What a day! Left Broome early an' headed up the sodden 200 km track towards Cape Leveque stoppin' off at such places, where we could get in for the flooded conditions, as Beagle Bay where there is a huge white church built by the Palentine Monks when they opened up this remote country to Catholicism Christianity.
There was a school an' a store an' a village of some 50 or 60 houses but the tracks were so bad we just stuck to the main one in an' out again, a bit further up there is the community of Djarrinjin which also is know for it's church made of local bush timbers an' looks it's age, very rustic. There were just as many houses here as before, almost?
Finally, 5 hours from Broome, we arrive at Cape Leveque which is at the top of the Dampier Peninsula with a very impressive lighthouse which is not manned any more but automatic like all the lighthouses now a days, pity. Cape Leveque is run by an Aboriginal Consortium called Kooljiman an' has lovely wee shalets down the beach front on the East side, pity I didn't get any fotoz of these, saw a white breasted sea eagle right on the tip of the peninsula which was a buzz, so majestic!
Had to leave after awhile as the track was so bad an' more rain was forecast, so we slipped an' slided all the way back just in time for a picnic sunset on Cable Beach for the last of daylight savin's, clocks go back tonight to normal time makin' us just 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, not 9 like before, got that you all, 8 from Sunday the 25th March 2007!
Gotta get some tucker, it's late an' I still haven't eaten, raid the kitchen here at the Klub, see what tid bits I can scrounge up?
See ya all, until the next entry, where next? Where indeed?
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