hey hey
hope ur ok! ur pics r gr8 lol i love them especially the sittin buda
missin ya loads nd hope ur havin fun
luv ya loads n loads jess xxxxxx :D xxxxx
seems to be my job to relay parental messages so here they are:
PAUL - Check your e-mail for pin
MARTINA - your mum would like you to phone her ASAP (nothing wrong just wants to hear from you)
both of you- be good children & do as you are told!
Glad to hear you're safe and well and missing you lots already! Very jealous! Can't wait to see some photos of the Thai boxing.
Looking forward to your next entry, take care of each other!
Loads of love Zoe x x x
Mum & Dad
glad u arrived safely & alls well.
(7pm sun's still out)
have a safe journey 2morrow & have fun
keep in touch
love u loads
Well you may be having a fantastic time broadening your horizons, expanding your minds and travelling the world etc etc - but i get to come to work everyday so...... who's laughing now eh?! LOSERS!
(Glad you're ok MASSIVE mwah!!)
blah blah blah, just wanted to stick something on the message board. cool.
It's 9am monday 4th september & you're probably not even out of bed yet, let alone leaving the country.
I'm in work!!!
Have a great time and enjoy yourselves.
I want loads of photos & postcards.
Take care of yourselves (watch out for stingrays!)
Have fun