Well we endured Christmas in Surfers which wasn't the best to be honest, but we had a great time.. The weather was hot and sunny and it felt really wierd to be Xmas! The annoying thing about it was that over here no-one seems to really be bothered about it. There's no decorations along the streets and the occassional Xmas tree in a window... It's aweful, everyone was so unhappy still. God we missed Xmas dinner with the family back home! We did go out tho and got extremely wasted to celebrate. Ended up calling everyone too - sorry about that guys!
Boxing day was a bad one and all 3 of us could not be bothered to do anything all day... so guess what - Yes, we stayed in our beds and watched DVD's all day!! couple of good ones actually - CLICK and MEET THE FOCKERS.
We're actually considering going to the cinema in Syney cus we've seen a trailor for the new film out, HAPPY FEET! ...what am I saying, it's like for kids!? but looks good. lol.
We got the bus that morning at 8am and arrived in Byron Bay at about 10.30am. We got a lift back to the hostel and went to explore cus we didn't have much time. Byron Bay is a beautiful place with a lovely beach and great surf. There's a light house there on the headland which is apparently the Brightest light in Australia! you can see it 50km's away... Impressive ay?
Well at about midday we thought it was a good idea to rent a car instead of buying a ticket to go to a small hippy town called 'Nimbin' as we were guna go the day after but everything made sense to do it then. We paid $69 between 3 of us and had it for 24hrs but could only do 200Km'ss in it, but hey, what a lovely car this was! I drove it to Nimbin and back which was fun - I miss driving actually, can't wait to get a camper in NZ.
Nimbin was founded by Hippies and is the wierdest little town you'll ever come across! It's so cool and everyone just walks around the 1 street town offering you weed and cookies and stuff... They're all so friendly tho and all middle-aged people but some younger generations there too. It was brilliant but you could only spend about 2 hours there, then it was time to leave if you know what I mean..
I had picked up a really bad cold from Kenny during the past couple of days and it wasn't untill we got back to Byron Bay that I started to feel really bad, but the day after - 27th I was aching all over and my head was full of crap and a massive cough! It was horrible.
That night we got the bus down to Sydney at 11pm - a shame really cus it was such a cool place, if not one of the best places we've been so far.
The journey down was Long. It took 12 hours and we arrived at 12.30pm on the 28th. I was so ill aswell that it really wasn't a pleasant trip and to make things worse Martina had picked it up too. It's wierd that we can't remember the last Colds we had and we both got one in Australia in the Summer! lol.
When we drove into Sydney it was amazing - we drove over the Darling Harbour Bridge and saw the Whole water front and the towering buildings.. It was brilliant. I took a few pics but unfortunately I found out when we got back to the hostel that my camera was no longer with me and somehow was now on the bus still!!! Yup, so I've lost my new camera and all the pics from Fraser Island and Xmas... Oh and it 3 days before New Year in if not The Best place in the WORLD to welcome it!! ..Brilliant!
Well we've managed to get one from one of our friends who came down with us so we'll be ok. there will be pics! So I'll be speaking to you guys again after the New Year!
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