Hey you two, looks amazing im not too jealous considering im currently in Russia where is is -5 and snowing :-(......bring me sunshine. Ps only 9 weeks till we can have some vino together.....if thats in the budget Mal? :-) xx
Mamma And Papa Bewick
Hi looks like you've had a great time in Mancora, getting a well deserved rest after the Inca Trail! Have a safe journey back to Lima today, can't believe how much you've packed in to the time you've been away. Look forward to speaking to you soon, lots of love to you both xxxx
Mummy Jules And Pauly
Hey could fancy one of those rum cocktails and I don't even like Bacardi - havent drunk it since 1976 when got a little bit worse for wear in a disco in benidorm. Ha will just pop over for one now! Looks like you're having a lovely chilled time, talk about deserted! Enjoy the rest of your stay in mancora. Speak soon. Love mummy and pauly x x x x
Hey you two, wow you have been busy, im trying to catch up on the blog as have been travelling a lot with work. But on the plus side we have been messaging anyway and now we are on the countdown to seeing each other in Australia. Who can believe it, it was impossible to catch up before you went because of work and now we get to spend 6 days on the other side of the world. AMAZING. See you both in melbourne on the 26th Jan love you lots xxxx
Mamma And Papa Bewick
Hi Mal and Beth, your photos are fab! Looks like you're having the time of your life, making some fantastic memories along the way. Enjoy your time in Lima and at the beach soaking up some sun. Lovely to speak to you yesterday, take care lots of love to you both Xxx
Cousin Lauz
how incredible!
Mummy Jules And Pauly
Oh my goodness how fantastic does that look. it is absolutely amazing. Wish we were there with you. you both look great - oh to be 26 again! Ah my Betty it was great speaking to you tonight i have missed you so much the last four days so great that you are both back safe and sound as really quite worried about you - just a mummy thing I think! August seems like such along way off but so glad you are both have such a fantastic adventure I can live with that thought! Enjoy a bit chill t yur next destination you deserve it after such an arduous task. Love you both. x x x x
Mummy Jules
Hi my little sweeties hope you have a great time on the trail and looking forward to the tales of your trip. Take it easy And look after yourselves. Love you both. Mummy x x x x
Mummy Jules
Hi sweeties. Oh my goodness that horrible room looked disgusting so glad you didn't stay there for long ugh! I see Mal has now morphed into a giant orange caterpillar bless! Ha ha! Need more photos of your faces with the scenery cos mummy missing you and need a boods fix. Just came back from Barcelona so mummy a bit tired tonight. Hope to speak soon. Take care both and love ya xxxxxx
Mamma And Papa Bewick
Hi Guys, love your latest photo's, the sunsets look fab. Hope you are enjoying Peru now, we are in Liverpool for the weekend it's pouring down and really windy, great city though and very friendly, look forward to face timeing you soon, enjoy Cusco, not long now till you do the Inca Trail xxx
Mamma And Papa Bewick
Hi guys, just been reading your latest blog it's hilarious! Shower gel on your face haha. Enjoy the racquetball game, hope the bus journey tomorrow isn't too bad! Have fun and keep safe lots of love to you both xxxxx
Auntie Ruth
Hiya you two. Auntie Ruth here. Been catching up on the blog, have had a very hectic week!! The salt flats look amazing and your photos are great. Love the clever ones with the bottle and other props!! How did you do that??? Great to read your updates. Take care of you both. Lots of love. Auntie Ruth and Uncle Raymond.xxxx