Somethings to consider:How old were the rsoeendpnts to the poll? I think it is likely that people who are retired are more likely to respond to a 70-question poll. Older people are more likely to have hearing problems. Also, ~50% of all of us will suffer from some form of dementia in our old age. I'd like to see the results broken down by age.Also, even with the younger population, people who are unemployed are more likely to be home and respond to these telephone surveys. More educated people are more likely to be employed.Did the science survey correct for educational level?I've met a heck of a lot more people who like Bush than who don't know the earth revolves around the sun, but then I do research at a University.
Claudemir Somethings to consider:How old were the rsoeendpnts to the poll? I think it is likely that people who are retired are more likely to respond to a 70-question poll. Older people are more likely to have hearing problems. Also, ~50% of all of us will suffer from some form of dementia in our old age. I'd like to see the results broken down by age.Also, even with the younger population, people who are unemployed are more likely to be home and respond to these telephone surveys. More educated people are more likely to be employed.Did the science survey correct for educational level?I've met a heck of a lot more people who like Bush than who don't know the earth revolves around the sun, but then I do research at a University.