mags your photos are lovely, carnt beleave you sky dived!! wow! how exciting, your not missing much here in England so enjoy, lucy is ok and now staying 2 long days SO IS LOVELY For ME!! let me know if you get to go hillsong . love to you and enjoy, what a lovely time your having. xxxxx
Sue Walley
Can't wait for the Australian photos bet they will be as good as the New Zealand ones.
Suzie Winkle
The sky dive photo's are wicked!!!
You're so brave! xx
Hey Margie,
Looks like its going well, the photo's are great and i love the fact you did sheep shearing. I must say i am jealous, the glacier helitrek thing looks and sounds amazing. Keep having fun. x
Looks like your having a fab time. Your skydive pictures are fantastic. Very brave of you! Take care.
Love Helen & Tom xxx
Hello !! agen We all say hii :) Luckly is missing you Bye bye !! frm Louise.xO
Hello ! Are you having fun !! I am round yours we have just finishsed dinner ! bye bye !!
Julie And Daniel
Hi marg, we are enjoying looking at your website, it looks wonderfull!!We are really pleased you are having such a good time, all our love Julie and danxxx
Suzie Winkle
Hey Maggie!
The photo's of East NZ look amazing! I like the flowers you made!! Where're you off to next?! xxx
Jules....and The Girleeeeees
Hi Mags......we're all watching your excellent. The girls are impressed with the hot tub photo's!!!! The girleeees are missing you so much they want me to say. Also, they want you to know we've learned some sign language which we're! We are watching you every step of your journey! Big hugs....The broggers. xx
p.s.- alex got his post card yesterday and is plotting your jounrney on the kitchen wall....he'll e mail you soon but internet is down at home...typical!!!
hI mags well it's Wednesday evening and here we are doing computers as usual nothing much changes except for you! How fantastic all your travels look- we are all so envious! It is wonderful to be able to see the places you've been to and to read your blog keep it up Mags good luck and enjoy everything.
Alison Elkin
Hey Hey!
Had a wee read through the blogs and had a look at the pictures. Two words.....SO JEALOUS!
Seems like your having a great time and long may it continue