Fourth tiniest country in the world, Liechtenstein. Basically just a province of Switzerland, they have the same currency, same language, similar scenery, etc.
Used to be close to the Austrians, but after WWI they switched to Switzerland, since Austria was pretty darned f***ed. Or that it was then they separated from Austria, and WWII was when they became friends with the only other neutral country close.
Anyway, beautiful country, but cloudy and rainy now. There is just like one tiny valley, where the entire country is located. The rest is to steep to build in. Two-thirds is just mountains, and everyone lives on the last third.
It is a very striking environment, and more than mildly amusing to think that I could without any difficulty bike straight through the entire country in a few hours.
Apart from that, not much to do here. Only other sensible person in the hostel is a Japanese girl, and after we'd hiked through literally half the country and up to the castle, we just went: "f*** it" and started watching movies. Sucks that the weather wasn't better though.
That's it. Next is Bernina express to Lugano, then I am in Milan!
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