Went Along the great ocean road in a camper before arriving here in adelaide.
we relocated the britz 4man camper for really cheap and stopped at loads of towns and beaches along the way. Having the camper was amaxing as we could cook inside having a gas stove and it gave us so much freedom than public transport and allowed us to find walks to 2 waterfalls one which a stray dog was our tour guide keeping a few meters in front! Ash got some beautiful pics in both so i will upload the photos soon. the first night we parked the car in some woodland near some toilets there was also a group of boys and a couple from nz who hadnt found any accomodation as everywhere was booked up so they ended up in their car with no tent or bedding. But we did give them a cuppa tea in the morning. The next night we parked the camper in some camping ground next to a lighthouse which was very pretty surroundings as we had to leave early to get to adelaide in time as had to give camper back by three so was quite a long journey for ash. We went through some salt lake which had loads of pellicans around. But didnt smell very nice! rotten eggy...yuck! We stopped at a couple of beaches travelling the great ocean road and had a swim though Ash was being a bit of a girl and kept saying the water was too cold. Not too cold for me! Went through a forest as everything around melbourne is so green and saw loads of koalas in the trees. They look so funny with really grumpy faces.
Staying at Ashs freinds charles family house which great, swimming pool outside, massive house and we have the basement floor which is so much cooler anywhere else expecially as the tempretures keep reaching 41C upwards here! They lovely german shepard puppy who has enormous ears! Very welcoming family which is nice and first night here has kangaroo steaks on the bbq.
Got back from Kangaroo island this morning been there since friday afternoon had a ferry crossing back at 5.30am so we had to get up at 4 . The crossing was very pretty and saw some dolphin in the distance on the way over. And saw the sun rise on the way back. Slept on the beach with no tent. Yeah amazing for me as i hate bugs but was lovely as so hot so only used my silk sheet didnt need a sleeping bag at all and slept under the stars. The beach we were on was a penguin breeding ground so as it was getting dark we could see loads of penguins coming in from the sea they were so cute!
On kangaroo island we had two nights in a tent next to beaches so it meant we could have our meal down on the beach in the eve and have a swim in the morning. We visited a seal breeding ground where there were hundred of them plaing in the waters and sunbathing on the rocks. (Got some photos on Ashs camera) also went to see some beautiful rocks which were made of granite which were left when the soft rock was eroded away (pic above) though have plenty more to add on here. went for many swims this weekend as it was so so hot i put so much sun cream on my skin remained which though have a bit of a tan now. Ash got a bit burnt and so his skin is peeling off now...that will teach him.
I think Ash and i are leaving Adelaide on Thursday but sorting plans out this eve.
Speak soon, . Love Lou x
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