Hello! So yes, I have been rubbish at keeping this blog going, but nothing exciting happened for a long long time, and there was no point in writing still looking for a job every time I went on. And Kyrsten says I have to update it so here it is!
I'll start with Christmas and New Year, even though it was well over a month ago, I can remember it. Actually I cant remember it, but heres a little bit.
For Christmas I went to Kyrstens Auntys house and had a lovely big lunch with all her family, cold meats and salads and a huge turkey and ham, no BBQs on the beach just nice food and good company, it was very lovely.
Then for New years eve about 20 of us hired some cabins and went and stayed near hamilton in these 'snoopy' houses, we had some food and lots of alcohol and a big party! It was different to my usual new years but it was bloody awesome!
So I left Horsham 2 weeks ago after living with Lama and Jade for a few weeks, and went and stayed in Adelaide to see if I oculd find work, I spent my first 3 nights in a nice backpackers called Backpack Oz, with 11 other people in my dorm which was a bit scary, and yes It smelt to high heaven! So after 3 nihgts and still no luck with work I stayed in another Hostel, which was nice, but I only stayed for one night as there wasnt enough space! so off I started again and went to another backpackers, ( walking round adelaide with a 15kg backpack on your back not knowing where you are sleeping for the night is daunting and scary!) But I manged to get somewhere again for the night, Then I left again, and found a new place! ( oh thanks to my beautiful friend Kate who was looking after me there, we were both getting quite stressed and I cried everyday because I wanted to go home ) So this new place I stayed in was a complete whole, it was so disgusting, it had no carpets, the kitchen was filthy, it was so unfriendly, and yes I still cnat bare to think about it, however it is all part of the experience and people just walking into the hostel at midnight when they arent even staying there to start fights is well, exciting really! So after all this time in hostels a friend I made paid for us to stay in a hotel for 3 nights whilst we made plans to move to Perth.
I was in Adelaide for Australia day, and on the MOnday night made friends with a nice German girl, and we had a party at the hostel which was quite good fun, and in the morning on actual Australia day we decided to hang around together, so we had some breakfast and then had a rest, and then went a watched the parade, which was lots of people from different communities and countrys who live in Adelaide walkiing through the town, it was quite nice, but too mnay bagpipes for my liking! Then the city council put on a free concert on the park and some one called Vanessa Amarosi played, I dont know if she is well known in England! BUt she was quite good.
So now I am in Perth, I got here last tuesday, and am staying in quite a nice hostel. Its just like a big house, and a nice clean kitchen nice clean rooms.
So yes, Friday I went job hunting and stopped to have a cigarette, when a girl started talking to me asked me what I was upto the weekend, I said nothing, so she took my number and said we should meet up, so I was like yeah cool, and went back to my hostel had a BBQ, and went out to meet her and her friends, then I went back to her house after a little dance and had some drinks, met some people, and yes it was lovely, so I stayed at her Fri, and then they asked me to stay for dinner, we had duck stuffed with veal pork and duck, wrapped in pastry, it was meant to be served cold, but we had it as a roast, and I think it was the first time I had had vegetables in about 2/3 weeks. and yum yum yum it was lovely, then we went out partied again and went home to bed. Yesterday I just chilled out and went to bed at 8.00pm
Today well my uncle timmy is in perth and he rang me and invited me for a picnic with his niece and her 2 sons, so we went to a nice park and the children played and we had iced coffee ( big thing over here ) then went to Freemantle, on the way to Freemantle ( a big town with a dock) I had a phonecall inviting me to start work in a convinience store about 10 mins from my Hostel, so after a quick look around freemantle and some ice cream, we all headed off again, and I started work. I only did 2 and a half hours, just to work the till and things get used to it.,and yes I start at 7.00am tomorrrow! so its all very exciting and happening right now in Perth it really is a nice place.
So yes there is some news for you all. sorry its not very detailed, Lulu is tired!
Speak to you all soon love to everyone xxxx
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