Pooh! Your room stinks of paint & I dare not tell you what colour it is. Tell me the rules to panda face next time you blog so we can practice before you come home. Mum wants to know if youve got yourself a camera & if you are checking bank statements. We opened a statement and calculate you will last until next week before you have to start working LOL.
News update.
Jodie had a hair cut & I recon she looks like twiggy. Gym friends reckon she looks like Peter Pan.
Jodie wants to know if you got email that she sent with the info. on Kwai bridge & if you are still going?
Central heating is on over here, how about you?
Hows your sunburn?
Signing off as its nearly 8 oclock & my favourite comedy is now starting.
See yu.
Nice and warm...so not fair its freakin freezing here and I refuse point blank to turn on the heat in my apartment lol.
Interesting title for a restaurant lol oh and how is your magnificent grasp of thai helping you?
Well be careful and talk to you soon kiddo xxx
If your trekking for 3 days you should have taken the malaria tablets .... don't get bitten. Glad to know your having a good time! We couidn't find you waving on google earth. You may be in the warm but here it is very cold and very wet, hasn't stopped raining all day. Having roast chicken dinner tonight and milky chicken tomorrow - hope you enjoy your rice. Bye, bye love mum and dad.
Hey sounds awesome, it's absolutely freezing here. Got a stinking cold, feels like I've been hit by a bus. You figured out any plans for while you're in Bangkok? or just taking it as it comes?
Clays paid you £855.98 onthe 2nd
can't remember how much you said it shoul be, but haven't recieved the wage slip yet.
Do you still feel jet lagged?
Are you still alive?? i was expecting a blog by now to reassure mum. I'm back off to notts tomorrow for freshers stuff, so we can see who's having more fun. Ash says hi and hope your having a good time with the thai lady (boys!) Oh and remember to watch out for malaria!!