So thought I wud add another quick update since I am doin my epic walk 2moro- the Milford track! Las week I made the nt so long journey frm wanaka to queenstown. Arrived into queenstown really l8 since the bus was havin trouble wenever it came 2 a hill bt we still had time 2 stop off at the kawarau bridge which is the site if the worlds 1st bungy! No bungyin this time bt this 1 didn't look as impressive as mine anyway! ;-) my accomodation in queenstown was a hostel called the last resort. Turned out nt 2 b the las resort however n was actually really nice! Comfy beds wiv 2 pillows (this is a v rare treat!) n even a little crunchie lying in my pillow.
I spent most of the nxt day jus chillin out n gettin 2 no the local area. Went 4 a walk around the shops n along the lake front which was really nice. This all took like half an hour tho as queenstowns really nt that big! Shud also say that the weather took a dramatic turn on this day as the temperature plummeted 10 degrees since 2 days b4 making it a chilly 12 degrees. Actually felt freezing n wore my wooly hat as I took an afternoon stroll up the local mountain to the top of the gondola (I was 2 cheap 2 pay). Here I again bumped into bath uni guy randomnly n enjoyed the amazin views of the lakes n the surroundin mountains- looked really spectacular bt was actually freezin in the wind (that was comin frm the antartic!).
So on Sunday I caught the v early bus down to te anau. The scenery looked even more impressive along the rd in the early mornin sun and we arrived in te anau around 9.30. Really liked the look of te anau straight away n spent the mornin lookin around the town (which didn't take all that long as it's v small) and also askin around about jobs. Turns out the guy who runs the hostel I was stayin in had heard a holiday park jus outside town was lookin 4 a painter so took a walk down there in the aft n got the job! Was well gd- the guy didn't mind that I was goin on my walk on sat n even offered me my own cabin 2 sleep in n $17 an hour wrkin 4 as much time as I liked each day so was really gd!!! I didn't start til wednesday so I even had 2 days 2 relax n look round the area sum more 1st. Monday was a beautiful day so spent it topping up my tan in the garden whilst reading which was well nice. Also found the best place 2 get ice cream in the whole of new Zealand- it's called boulevard cafe n 4 only $2 u get the most mahousive ice cream ever. I went 4 the choc flavour n it came with marshmallows n choc covered nuts n choc sprinkles in and was def the best ice cream I've had so far! Tuesday was the day b4 wrk n I had planned 2 do the 1st day of the Kepler track bt it was rainin (v different frm the previous day) so stayed inside n watched DVDs all day-lol. There was abit of a crew in the tv lounge n we all took turns pickin bt hav 2 say the best had 2 b burn after Reading- if u havnt seen it I wud def recommend!
And so 2day I started wrk- was abit rubbish to start wiv as I was paintin the roof of the porch thing n I had 2 clean it 1st which was rubbish cus it was full of spiders so kinda my worse job bt the paintin didn't seem 2 bad. Really knackered nw tho as was paintin 4 around 7 hours bt jus kept thinkin of the money I'm making n gt me through the day! Think it shud pretty gd tho n I move into my new pad 2moro which will b nice 2 hav my own space 4 a change. Will b especially nice here in te anau as everyday there r people stayin in my dorm goin 2 Milford sound n they tend 2 get up early 4 the journey bt will b nice 2 hav a lie in! So that's me pretty much up to date! I hav 2 more days of wrk this week then I go in my major hike on the milford track 4 4 days n then will b back 2 wrk again 4 a few more weeks or so. Will let u no how I get on in Milford nxt week- fingers crossed 4 at least 1 day of dry weather! Hope alls well back home! :-)
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