Come on Luke .... where's your pics of Oz? Already looked at Kel's and now waiting for yours. Speak to you soon honey. P.S Did you get the modelling job? !!!!!
hello my friend good to see u hav had such an amazing time so far. me and jonny jus saying our goodbyes and getting ready to go can't wait keep enjoying urself mate and see u soon in the land of oz!!!
Mat Joshs Bro
hey luke, awesome photos mate, will keep up to date on your travels around oz and south east asia. very jealous your going to thailand etc, place is incredble, but i guess your jealous of me and vernon leaving chile for argentina tomorrow!! keep safe have fun
Nan & Granpa
Hello Luke meboy
Just downloaded the last of your Chile trip,and now looking forward to more piccies of the land of Oz.
Must have been a long trip to Oz but I'm sure you will have a great time.
Don't forget If you need anything let us know.
LOL Na & GrandadXX
Hi Luke,its been really great to read what you have been upto and see all your photos.You really have seen a lot os places in South America. Now ,luke,be careful of those Aussie Shelias !!! A must when you go down to Melbourne is to go laong the Great Ocean Road and up int the Grampions,its very well worth seeing them,also try to go to Phillip Island to see the penguins,very cute.but most of all Enjoy yourself as you have done so far. Keep well Luke, lol Rosemary PS its Bloody cold here.
hello buddy!!!
how r u? howz it goin were u r!!! i see u r nw leavin s.america n goin dwn unda m8 lol av a gd time im goin 2 student travel place nxt week cz i wana go travelin 2 lol u set a trend!!! look afta urself m8 n speak 2 ya soon bruva !!!!!
peace x x
Hi hun
Phone rang twice tonight but noone there.... guess it might have been you. Hope I get the chance to talk to you tomorrow but if I don't ..... OMG just as I was typing this you rang .... told you I was a witch!!! Have a good flight to Oz and ring when you arrive safely. xxxx
Nan & Granpa
Hi Luke
Just downloaded your Chile pic's, and we just love the hat.
We certainly could do with a hat like yours right now as its pretty Chileeee here!
Well now your off to the land of Oz, (grandad is saying- "be careful of those nasty 'orible little snakes") Yuk
We will be thinking of you on your journey,LOL Nan & Grandad xx
Nan & Granpa
Hi favourite grandson,
Hope alls well with you.So pleased you rang us, let us know if you need anything. Everythings good with everyone here, and we think of you alot and hope you are having a great time.
LOL (to our age group this means Lots of Love)
Nan & Grandadxx
Hi hunnty
Looks like you enjoyed yourself at the stadium. Did you see Maradonna?!!! You look so brown! We are all milk bottles here! Pete just cooked spaghetti carbonnara and managed to blow everybody's head off! Take care. xxxx
Cliff Overton
Hi Luke, Having a cup of tea at nigels office hope all is well had a good new year. Liked the pictures of the falls they looked amazing shame your not here will have to go leaf let dropping next week would have dragged you along have a great time
Love Dad
Hi Luke and Kelly. I hope you both have a great 2008 and enjoy your adventures. Pete, Eve, Shazz and Noodle
Thanks for all the t-shirts i found in your room!!!