Wow Lu - Sydney Harbour Bridge looks amazing. Were you tempted to do the walk over the top of it????
Speak soon darling
Kathy xxx
Wilson's Premontory looks great! But I've fallen in love with the Opera House. It looks so beautiful. Speak to you soon
hey lu! Hope you are having a fab time. Your photos look great and I hope you are feeling better now. Just got back from my hol it was VERY hot... not looking forward to work tomorrow only 4 weeks left! Make sure you keep me updated!! Speak soon
OMG! Ramsay Street looks so great. I wish I could've been there. Shame it was Janelle (not Ty or Declan!) but it was still good. Can't wait to see souvenirs.
Luv ya.
Hi Lu
Pictures look amazing, especially the sunset ones. Hope the weather is not too cold, pretty warm here - did you go at wrong time!!! Enjoy Ramsey Street! Take care - Luv you Mum xx
Hey Lu
Just looked at the pics. They're great! Almost makes me wish I was there (almost!) Total of lime green cars to 11 (I saw 2 on the way to work!)
Miss ya, luv ya.
Hey you
Hope your having a great time, sounds like you are. Thought Id give you an update, big kick monday night first one saw it on my stomach!(thought make you laugh) scan tomorrow so will let you know.
Missing you loads Hope your enjoying loads of cold beers xxxxxx
Hey Lu
Don't forget that I want lots and lots of pic of the Neighbours set and cast.
Seen 9 lime green cars since you left. Speak soon.
Hope you brought your theme songs with you lol, have fun!!
Hi Lucy
Glad you arrived safely have a brilliant time keep well and safe
Luv Janette.
Hi Lu
Hope you got a good start to your adventure. Take care and have fun.
Di & Kelvin
Hey you
Glad to hear all going well,
been thinking about you loads. Baby is kicking well must like the new house,looking forward to more pics
Love Corby ME and bump