Hi Cherise, Ok you can pick yourself up off the floor, I am finally getting in touch, ooops.... Although to blame dad he has only just given me this email address for you. So I'll blame him!. I've just been looking at the picks they are amazing, I am pig sick, god I wish i was young, and could do it for myself. Perhaps I could put Mol into my ruck sack and just go. Can you imagine, I'd need a crane to lift her. Talking about Mol, she is fine, driving me absolutely crazy cos she is getting excited over going to Crete, I think I'll be brain dead by the end of it, only a 6 year old for company. I will go mad. We go in 12 days, Mol has been counting down since 72!!!!! Dad says you are off to New Zealand, I bet you will not want to come home. Anyway I better go, I am currently sat at my desk at work, not sure this is in my job description but who cares. Take Care of yourself, I'll show Mol the web site when I get a minute, she will be well excited to see you. Talk soon. Bye xxxxxxxxxx
hi sweetheart another e mail for you pete printed loads of pictures for me they are beautiful i had a cry when i saw them i wish i was coming to new zealand with you it seems easy doing it up here putting that one of u and miss lucy in a frame oft the salt statue u in green lucy in black gizzy doesnt want to come back home from your dads he loves it the water rafting sounded realy exciting gran is ok sends her love and every one back home goiing to berry on sat with kath malc for the day just for a look round i miss your smiling face my precious daughter i will send you another as soon as i can by for now sweetheart miss you love you louds take care look after each oter your loving mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs kisses always xxxx
Nat And Becky
Hola chicas, we have made it to Perú, but had to go the long way round via Chile cos the cabrón bus drivers in Bolivia had gone on strike and no-one knew what was going on! We're in Puno, going to the Floating Islands on Lake Titicaca tomorrow, then we're flying up to Lima on Friday for our tour. We've both felt the effects of altitude sickness on the way here, not pleasant at all, hence the flying to Lima instead of roughing it on the bus! We miss you two loads, we're back to our romantic meals á deux again! Enjoy your last few days in SA and have a great time in NZ, we're very jealous that you've got so much time left! Love you lots, Nat and Becky xxxxxxxx P.S. Preston lost the play-offs, so your dad will be happy Lucy! Sure you two put a jinx on them!! Love Nat xxxxxxxxxxx
hello cherise hope you are having a good time love from julie and pete t
hola! parece que te lo estás pasando bien, eh inglesita? un abrazo, ya nos veremos por la vieja europa!
Hi!! How's it going? Hope your enjoyin your last few weeks in S.America, Australia will be awesome tho! Wish i was there, i miss you loads and loads, so crap-the last few weeks of term up to the eye balls in exams and assignments-wish I was with you two instead! Anyway, have fun, take care and keep in touch, love lots and lots Liz x x x
Auntie Dorothy
Hello Cherise, thanks for the great postcard from Peru, grandad also received his on the same day, last week. Sure you must be on your way to New Zealand by now. Hope to hear from you soon. Hope all is well, as it is here.
take care love from Dorothy and Joe.
Hi girlies!!!!
just had a look at your photos, i have gone green with envy, or is that blue coz im so cold here in England???!!the pictures look fantastic, living the dream baby!!hope yous had a great easter, take care, buen viaje to new zealand, lots of love
Hello Cherise, thanks for your e-mail. Glad you got back from your trip to Peru safely, it sounded great and the photos are amazing. Good luck with your trip back down to Bolivia and Chile, hope to hear from you before you leave for NZ.
Its the Easter weekend and its been good weather for once. Graham has come up for a few days. Joe is fine, been busy in the garden its looking good, everything starting to come up now.
Speak to you later, love from Aunty Dorothy and Joe xx
Hey Luce n Cherise, got the web add off david, just had a look @ all the fotos. Really impressed, what an amazing mad experience looks awesome n u both look like your havin the time of your lives! Congrats on makin the inca trail, looked beautiful. Really impressed with the trekking, u both must have walked miles n miles. Bet Christmas day on the beach was sh*t hot, literally! Keep goin, stay safe n be lucky. lots of love, Guy xx
Hey Lucy en Cherise,
Remember us (Astrid en Jabik). Sorry I mist you in Cusco. Bud I realy felt sick that day. Bud when you're coming to Lima. Let me know. Thats where we are at the moment. In Hostal 'The Point' in Barranco, Lima. I can recomended it. It's really great here. Astrid is here till Thursday. Then she going back to The Netherlands.