Hello everyone
Thankyou so much for all your messages glad to hear your all ok
sorry havent been on this for ages havent had the access to a computer or the time really
i KNOW i KNOW photos i WISH i could its just this bog thing is so so slow it drives me wild I have asked my canadian mates to put a few on face book from Japan so check them few out.
having a wicked time in oz so so hot but had a thunder storm the other day was mental
Seen a wild turtle at mon repo lay her eggs it was incredible to see such an amazing and gentle creature their heads are the size of a cantaloupe melon they are huge.
been whip cracking and I had to purchase one didnt I they are so cool I feel like a real cow girl
Fed wild dolphins at tin can bay feel like I am in a dream and that I will wake up soon these animals are so clever and so angelic at the same time
Had a wicked time with kerry mart and families its been fantastic girls have been so good bless them.
Lauren and rich well cool bannans I will tell you all about it when we get home but it wasnt the dream experience that I thought I did a wash and some b**** linched my dress off the line so that put me off, was clean and well maintained though we stayed 1 night and moved onto a home stay for 2 nights at a lovely farm house.
We had surfing lessons at noosa and then hired a board today so when I get home bring it on the waves in scarborough, GREAT!!!!!
Crimbo buffett girls I wish you could have come here with it and we could have sat on the beach !!!!
Well best go to bed now gotta pac up for the flight to NZ so merry crimbo everyone love ya all
Lucy and Stee in a dream world xxxxx
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