I've just read the whole of your blog so far, and looked at all of your fabulous piccies!! You must be having an amazing time, I feel really rather jealous! So good to keep up with your news, and see that you're ok.
Sooooo looking forward to the next installments!
Take good care of yourself, and keep us posted.
Loads of love,
Lisa, Andy and Jess xxxx
Great to speak to you on Christmas Day. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!
Dad & Ann
Merry Xmas Lynda!
You seem to be having a brill time - I'm sooooo jealous.
Lulu sends you a big hug and kiss :-)
Bored, pretending to work and catching up on the blog! I'm so jealous and I'm going to have to go to Argentina now!!! Never enough time and money to do all these things, want to take 6 months off and travel too now, only problem is I've only working here for 7 months....
Looking forward to the next update, sounds like you're having a fantastic time Lynda! Love Abi
Lots of pictures of Lynda & random men!! Explain.....
Absolutely love that picture of James kissing Frankie on the top of his head.
Lynda and Frodo.... you're team number four....
Sarah Tickner
Hey you! All looks amazing!
Can see you're having an absolutely amazing time - I'm so glad.
Time seems to be flying by....and I'm getting greener with envy week by week!
Pics are fab, keep 'em coming. Take care for now. Enjoy ;-
Hey Lynda - just remembered your blog - obviously still having too much fun (or still getting drunk every night) to get it up to date. Hope your trip to the ranch went without hitch.
Regarding the dancing in Brazil and Argentina, I didn't anyone who could sneak as well as Mel and I. Amateurs.
Hi finally found 5 mins to log an sounds like you are having fun and are settling into traveller mode good style. All fine here house safe and well and we are all doing the usual really... Xmas looming large kids already excited. Take care etc
Suzanne and gangx
Lynda and Nick.... you're team number four.....
Andy P
Hi mate,
Glad to hear that you're having a good time. All going well here at the mo, if a bit damp and cold. Stay safe and stay in touch.