The next step on my travels was the east coast town of Bellingen, again another recommendation given to me! After being dropped off in Uranga a small sleepy picturesque little hamlet just off the main road, I was picked up and taken to Bellingen. Bellingen is typical small town Australia but with one difference it has a really strong "alternative' feel to it, this means it has quite a young atmosphere and lacks and "small town mentality'
The place where i stayed certainly wasn't party central, although we did manage to go to the pub every night and by the time that I left I knew enough of the locals to be able to go out there by myself!
Next to where I was staying was the river of Bellinger a beautiful still river where during the day kids jump off the little jetty into the waters and where they don't the waters are so still the surrounding trees reflect of them perfectly. Just as the sun starts to set and the sky starts to go pink, one by one you start seeing flying foxes (bats about 70cm long) flying across the river, taking a gulp of water and then nesting in the nearby trees. As it starts to get darker the numbers of these increases so that just before nightfall there are hundreds of them flying just a few feet above your head, its predicted about 10,000 bats make the journey every night! Now i am far from a bat fanatic! AT ALL!!!, but this was a really really amazing sight. it was like something out of a vampire film.
My next adventure in Bellingen, a town I could have quite easily emigrated to, was a sunset canoe trip! this took place further down the Bellinger river. From here we took our own canoes, I was tempted to share, so someone else could do the driving, but decided it was about time I learnt! to start was an angry red head going round in circles, but with an extra bit of tuition it tuned out to be a doddle, all you have to do is predict where you think the canoe is going to drift to. This trip was beautiful, the river was perfectly still and all around you were eucalyptus and 'Tea Tree' trees which smelt gorgeous and giant white lilies growing out of the water, which yes i did occasionally crash into. About 20 minutes into our canoe trip we started seeing random splashes in the water and were told that these were water dragons (very Large lizard type creatures) and then we later on when we saw more splashes in the water, but not just one or 2 at a time, more like 10-20! These we were told were flying fish! they were amazing! they were only 10cm in length but could throw themselves over a metre in the air and up to 2 metres high! no-on knows why, but they have on ocassion landed in peoples canoes. As the sun started to set we finished our canoe trip and after a glass of bubbly headed home.
The next day, no rest for the wicked! was a trip t the rainforrest, my fav place and a trip to Dorrigo National park and waterfalls,
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