Day 35: 4/2/13
This morning we were spoiled as we didnt have to leave until 9 which meant we could get Up after sunrise!! It was the first morning in a week we got up in daylight!! We had a very lazy morning and the guide cooked pancakes for us and there was plenty of Nutella for them too! We didn't leave until closer to 10 so we had time to swap email addresses and names for Facebook aswell.
I forgot to say yesterday that there is a movie being filmed in the area we were staying and the crew were staying in the owners house right beside us. Robert Pattinson is the star of the film and the evening before he came over to the campsite for a barbecue with the crew! There was a tour group there but the owner couldn't tell them he was there! We were very excited about that even though he wasn't there at all when we were there!!
We eventually headed for a Walk anyway in the Flinders mountains. For the last few days we have had to push the bus as the battery has died! we had to do it twice this morning!! Luckily he took off the trailer before heading to the walk as it was really bumpy and hilly and we wouldnt have been able to push it!! We walked alligator gorge. It was a really pretty walk through a rocky gorge. We were walking on what seemed like it would have been a river bed with rocks all around. It didn't take long at all, maybe just a half hour.
We got back on the bus then and drove for the day! By the way, I've been noticing over the past few days how different our cultures are. The Germans in particular speak their mind always. A lot of the Germans on the trip are only about 19 but if they want the window open or more food or a toilet stop etc they are very vocal about it! I know I might be quieter than some Irish people but I general Irish people don't say anything! It's weird to see how forward people are. I was taking pictures for a German guy and he took a picture for me. He looked at my picture and said that he didn't think my camera was that good and that he could take one for me with his! No Irish person would say that to a person they didn't know well! I just laughed because I didn't see anything wrong with my photo at all!! It works both ways though- if something positive comes into their head they say that too. The same guy told me I had lovely blue eyes. An Irish guy probably wouldn't tell you that either!!
The Swedish seem very friendly but they tell me that in Sweden people are very private and keep to themselves. They find the Aussies really open and friendly, which they are. But I find them a bit rude also at times. They thought people in Sweden are way ruder! It seems in Sweden its a big faux pas to sit beside someone you don't know in a bus when there are other empty seats available. You just can't do something like that. It's no wonder people think te Irish are friendly!!
We drove for hours again today. We stopped at a Winery for wine tasting and lunch. We tasted lots of wines. I've discovered that I like Moscato wine which is kind if sweet. The rest are all just wine!! They must hate a bus load of backpackers though because we kept tasting lots with no intention of buying!!
We had another few hours on the bus after lunch and it was after 7 when I got to the hostel. They had free wifi which was very exciting!! I finally got to put some blogs up for ye! I had been texting Shane during the day to see if we could meet. It was really late for him when I got there as he has to be at work for 6. But anyway, they must share a car and the other lads were gone in it and didn't come back. He thought they were probably gone drinking! So he'd no way into the city. We will have to see each other in Brisbane instead.
About 10 of us from the bus met at our hostel to go to Mc Donald's. We spent ages sitting there, chatting and adding each other on Facebook. Mc Donald's has free wifi everywhere! Most of them were going to be in Adelaide tomorrow so were meeting again but I'm leaving at 7am. There's one girl from our bus going on the next one with me.
We got back at about 11 and I spent a while on Facebook before sleeping. Only about 5 hours left to sleep tonight! I'll be wrecked when I get back to Brisbane!
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