Hello Loo, Can you tell Panda we are alive and having fun in Canada. Niagara Falls was awesome. We are off to detroit tomorrow 9th May then to Toronto to start our train trip on the 13th
See Ya
Aimee Town, Of The Bahrs Scrub Towns
Heya Lew,
(How many msg boarders just thought they'd been spelling her name wrong all these years? You're right. You have. I'm sure it just kills my Lewcille everytime she reads your blogs you heartless cads!)
Eli! Your starcross'd-dragon-tattoo-carpenter guy says that he'll meet you at Flinders St for roller skating & pizza on friday night, so make sure you go or I'll lose a good third of my street cred. And I need my street cred Lew, it's mine. So, Celine says hi, turns out that Davey tunnelled over to her or so the men in the bushes tell me.
Amsterdam next week yah? Remember, there's no hash in those brownies! Well I better cut loose (yes, foot-loose, ho-yah got me there)
Night Night Monster Bite Love Sleeve -Eli -Aimsey
Sars And Steve
Hey Hey Loo Loo,
Can't wait to be other there either!! So not long to go now! Only 125 days... think i miscounted last time.. whoops well it is less than 4 months and i am getting sooooo excited. I dont think i could go to auschwitz steve read a book about it and i was sick just listening to the bits that he read out. So when does the trip come to an end and where are you's gonna start from when it's done? Same same over here.
Love ya heaps
Sars and Steve
Hello Loo, Bulgaria sounds brilliantpleased your still safe,everyone well this end, Alan has just moved into his new home, its really lovely,even has a pool. Its in West Chermside, not far from his work so a saving on petrol. Your Dad and Jan are good, seem to have a lot of fun together. Keep up the good work, we love to get your emails.Thinking of you Shirley B
Hey Cuz,
Wow I love reading your blog - it's nice to hear all the exciting things you are doing. Such a far cry from boring old Loganholme. I am so Jealous. I look forward to reading about your next adventure. Have fund and keep safe.
Hugs Jay Scott & Girls
Area Coordinator Jarvo
Sounds as though you're havin a blast I'm so envious of you goin to Gallipoli I sooo would have got them organised and coordinated if I was there. Good to see Jakey and the glasses doin the rounds with ya. Looks as though Tatts are the go, thats one I like to get, with bamboo looks as though he taps the end of the bamboo? you'll have to let me know how they do it when you get back. All the best for the rest of ya trip, will check in every now and again........ Cheers Alan.
Mumma J
What a ball you must be having !!! Shirley said she thought she saw you for a second during the Anzac Day service. It was televised just about on every bloody channel. Sailing in Greece sounds fantastic. Having to haggle for drinks - "What the?" no wonder you're sick of it. Looking forward to you posting some more photos. Any more tatts appeared ? Your Dad and I are keeping an eye on your itinerary. No wonder you're so tired - what a schedule. Keep safe. Chat to you soon. xxxooo
Sars And Steve
Hey Loo Loo,
I am SOOOOOO jealous!!! Sounds like you are having a great time!! Steve and I are thinking that we are going to have to go on the same tour next year!!!! Guess you didnt find your phone? Our countdown is still on - 125 days to go!!!
Would love to see some more pics!! Have fun and keep safe.
Sars and Steve
Mum & Simon
Hi Ya Loo,
Looks like you are having a great time overseas, must be so nice, after soooo much planning to finally be there and experiencing it all. Cant wait to hear and see more about your trip.
Nothing much changs down here, although we did go and have a look at a block of land on the Great Ocean Road, stunning area but would have to raise mountain goats I think for it to be viable. Still looking though!!
Hope your trip continues to be a blast!!!!
Sars And Steve
Beginning to think you dont love us anymore Loo Loo. You dont write, you dont call!!! Guess you are way too busy for your little ol' family anymore... dont worry we will be that way when we get over there only 134 days to go..ohh that sounds so long .. four and a half months... that sounds better!!!
So i am guessing that you didnt find your phone and so far havent bought one? Hope you are having fun over there. Not much to report over here. Still not at work, should be going back in two weeks, give me something to do, starting to get a little bored. Hercy is alergic to grass if you can believe it so he is being kept inside now. Thats about it.
Hey wanna be my MOH in Oct? Hope you are well, email us when you get a chance. Steve sends hugs your way.
Love ya heaps Sars and Steve
Aunty Jo
Hey Looey, thanks for pics , looks great, I know we are a close family but tell Panda showing us all her pubes was a little too much info. Tats look great I liked the one on the Thai guys neck of the OM symbol, though I wouldn't have the courage to get one. Jord would love it he's a dragon lord so hope it doesn't give him any ideas. Look forward to watching and hearing of your wonderful trip of a life time. Love you heaps, may the angels watch over you all and keep you safe
Love Aunty Jo
Hey Cuz,
Glad to see you are having a great time. Can't wait to see ur tat Scott would be so proud. Glad to know it was super clean Mum and I were having a coronary when we sore the photo's. So So jealous looks like u having a great time.