Not quite true about the photos Debbie - have you seen those hideous ones of me in Istanbul. Course I could really look like that I guess. Thank God John's eye sight is so bad he sees me permanently in soft focus.....
Debbie Bond
All your pictures look amazing! You've certainly seen some fantastic places. Hope the rest of your trip goes well (with no broken bones Laura)!!
Take care
Deb & Val xx
Just got a bit ahead of myself. I wasn't actually expecting you to log on so soon.
I agree about Istanbul. Fab city and I've been recommending it to everyone too.
Visited Radders last week; evveryone sends their best wishes. They all love the blog so keep it coming.
And if you want me to nip to Greece or Croatia or anywhere else just let me know. Gill said it was raining in Palma so could I nip over with a brolley!
have a great birthday on Monday. I'll be thinking of you.
Happy Bırthday???????? Last tıme I checked my bırthday ísn´t untıl Monday I would have thought you of all people would know that. But the sentıment ıs apprecıated.
Val Holden
Happy Birthday Hon......
Are you sure you don't want me to join you in Greece?
Val Holden
Oh my God Laura your toe!
Can you be a bit more careful. How about a lazy 10 weeks in Europe!
See you in Istanbul.
Laura and Gareth - just read your blog and it sounds absolutely fantastic. You will be pretty bored coming back to England after all this. Looking forward to seeing you both again. Take care.
Melanie Cox
Gareth & Laura just been looking at your wonderful photos sounds like an amazing experience. Hope you enjoy Hong Kong, take care, Melanie, Sandra & John. PS Brendan is in Australia with his job xx
Wow it looks like your having an amazing time, the mountains are beautiful in your pictures and the snow burnt face is quite a picture-hope its better now!
Cant believe you threw up whilst Paragliding, thats so funny! Good job it was fruit you had and not a curry .
Hope your foot is on the mend!
Take care
Debbie xx
Val H
My God your face! After the snow burn. You said is was bad but what is that!
Looks fantastic.
Take care
Becky Davenport
Hiya - it sounds like you're having lots of fun and your pictures on Facebook look great! Becareful xx