Thought I'd right an update on what became my 6 week European break before I head off to Nairobi tomorrow for 3-6 months. It's been incredibly busy - how does anyone fit work in?
It was lovely that spring arrived even if it didn't stay around and I forgot how lovely London can be when the sun shines. So this meant I got to go out and gave my roof terraces a good tidy up and tried not to think about the usual spring planting I do as there's no point as I won't be around.
I met with so many friends both old and some new ones I'd met on my travels. I lunched and dinnered a lot - so also had to make sure I kept up my running. Lovely catch ups with everyone.
Had an indulgent weekend away in the Cotswolds for a 40th with the old (not in age) Sainsburys girls - now I've left no one is there anymore and everyone is living all over the country doing all different things, so a great opportunity to catch up over good food and wine.
I also spent time with Colleagues in the Fairtrade world both for my board work which I'm doing more and more of as I have the time, and to prepare me for my work for Fairtrade Africa when I get to Nairobi. This also included several days in Bonn for a board meeting as well as setting up a new board committee of which I am the chair. So I had to engage some brain cells!
I also fitted in catching up with a couple of Sainsburys friends/colleagues as well as my boss to keep up with the gossip - but it did not make me want to be back there yet and I managed to avoid getting too close to the office.
Had nearly a week in Lanzarote for the last of the 40ths - so lovely to catch up with that group of friends and see some proper sun again even for a few days. Easyjet bumped me off the flight home and has still not paid me the compensation they promised which wasn't the best ending to the week.
Had a gorgeous, sunny weekend with my friend Annie and her lovely family enjoying the Irish hospitality and trying my hand at lambing - although the girls stubbornly refused to push while I was there so saw no birthing action but did help out with lamb feeding, sheep checking on the quad bike (clearly an expert after Madagascar), tail ringing and taking photos! A great catch up with a great friend who is excitingly off to live in Nairobi too - such brilliant news.
I spent a week over Easter back in Suffolk where I scanned over 1000 photos and organized them all so I have no more photo albums or boxes of photos - they all have been put in the wheely bin (other than the three photo albums I found when I got back home - I thought a few years of my life were missing!). I also ran with Dad and my nephew Cam not to mention the dog Sam a few times around the Suffolk fields and footpaths. Baked Lavender Biscuits and Easter Rocky Road for the family as Easter pressies!
So I'm in the middle of Africa packing and preparation. Taking more than my one 18kg bag I have been traveling with to date as I will be based in one place. So two bags are being packed to capacity!
I am very sad to miss the funeral of a brave, truly inspirational and caring friend of mine who died last weekend. She gave such a fight to the horrendous disease of cancer and I am very proud to have been her friend and will miss her so much. I know she read my blog and always left me messages and notes keeping up with my travels and she will remain in my thoughts. She encouraged me too take this plunge and take a year out so I will continue to push my boudries and try and make the most of it.
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