Won't be long 'til you meet Harry! So tell me - is this Jim a love interest?
Annie - I'm coming to the pub on Friday Lunchtime with the baby if you can make it (between 1 & 2)!
Love GailyWaily & Harry
Hello all!
8 weeks to go and I'll be back in the cold UK! Be great to see you all again.
I'm planning on going to the West Coast to do some last minute tanning and diving before going to NZ for two weeks! So only a couple of weeks left in Melbourne! I'll come back for the Melbourne Cup too but thats it! Very sad to be leaving, I love it here and all the people i've met here (esp my soccer mates & Jim).
Still I'll have loads of catching up to do when I'm back home so watch out!
:-) Liz xxx
Annie Longlegs
Hi Liz.
Hope you're ok. Pouring with rain today! Can't wait to see you next month. Where has the Year gone?
I should imagine you've got so much news. Just seems like yesterday when you were filling in your Passport Application!
Keep well & happy!
love & best wishes Annexx
Aunty Jan
Hi liz
Great to think we will see you soon. Bring your wollies back with you - getting a bit fresh here. had a nice day out with nan yesterday to Mudeford Quay and ate fish and chips whilst watching everyone get sprayed with the waves! Just had another nice Sunday dinner - Sarah, bump and Daniel came. Curtis was at the world golf championship (American Express) -not playing but spectating. look forward to seeing you. Take care. Love Jan and Geoff x x x
Hey all!
Hope everyone is good?! I am great, weather is getting nicer and I'm off to visit some friends in South Australia this weekend!
I am due home in the early hours of 30th November...so that first weekend in December is going to be a big one!!
Take care and looking forward to seeing everyone again soon! liz xxx
lovin those photo's hun! looks like ur havin fun! it was all misty and crisp like autumn here this morning, quite pretty really. keep safe hun, speak soon xx
Aunty Jan
Hi Liz
Its Sunday and we miss you - when are you coming home for one of our roast dinners? Soon we hope. Having a bit of an Indian summer at the mo which is nice. Can't wait till November when Sarah's bump arrives and we see you. Take care and enjoy yourself. x x x
Gailywaily & Harry (Harrison)
Hi Lizzie,
Thank you very much for the personalised card! It was brilliant! My dad thought you'd actually written it and said your handwriting was amazing (he then realised it was printed)! Can't wait to see you on your return!
Big sis Katie & Auntie Jan: Thank you for your congrats, much appreciated. He was 7lb 2oz - just in case you were interested!
Much love, Gaily & Harry
Gailywaily & Harry (Harrison)
Aunty Jan
Hi Liz
How you doing? Pleased that you are planning to come back in November - you can babysit for Sarah's bump as all will be revealed by then! Congratulations to Gaily. We're fine - had a good summer. Off to watch cricket at Lords on Sat (that's a first for us). Then family Sunday dinner at ours - will miss you. Keep having fun - take care. x x
Hi Sandra!
Its just coming to the end of the rugby season here so Jims team have their semi finals this weekend which should be good! I am hopefully going to see Australia vs NZ in the league tri-nations in October too!
I plan to be back at the end of November so just in time for all the Christmas celebrations and to catch up!
Glad to hear everyone back in the office is ok, tell them all I said Hi! Pleased for Tracy!! Can't wait to meet him seeing as everyone has told me all about him!
Take care, hello to everyone and esp Gail & Harrison!!:-)
Hi Lizzy Love well I thought it was about time I said hello again and check up on how you are doing. Glad to see you're still a neighbours freak like me, don't know what I would do with out a little distraction at lunchtime. Things have been very busy here, Annie Longlegs has been keeping us all amused in the office. Racy Tracy is very settled with her man and all that, & I shocked everyone by giving in and buying a mobile phone, just dove everyone potty for a few days asking "how does this thing work?"
Start of the new Rugby season saw a bright new Quins team back in the premiership where they belong. Went to to see them against London Irish in the London Double Header at Twickers and they lost by just 1 point which is not bad considering the Irish were in the top 4 at the end of the last season. It all looks very exciting, can't wait. I'm just waiting to hear if we have got tickets for the England v All Black game in autumn!! Are you coming home before Christmas? Would be lovely to see you and to catch up on everything. take good care of yourself XX