Hello there! Just thought I would wish you a happy Christmas before the big day! Very excited in our house - I can't sleep. Make sure you find somewhere decent to celebrate and put the photos up asap. I was sorry to hear about the chocolate buffet but i will have a big bar of cadbury's waiting on your return. Lots of Love.
Racy Tracy
Hi Liz. Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas. Finish work in a few hours. Jason nearly made me P my pants!!!! Can't wait to hear all about christmas over there.
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Hey Lizzie, just thought i'd drop you a last line before Christmas! Have a great one, and a brilliant New Year! Lots of love and hugs - Gaily Waily
Hey lady.
Sorry to hear about all the rain, but at least its warm over there, still lost feeling in some on my extremities!!!
Hope you have a good christmas, we all expect details on how its celebrated over there, if at all come to think of it.... Look after yourself and enjoy!!
Love Scott
Hi Liz, I thought i'd just drop you a quick message to let you know what i've been up to. Well it's been work, work, work. You know me, i'm such a workaholic. Ha Ha Ha! I'm sitting wondering when Lucy is going to come out the closet and tell you her true feelings for you as she seems to be thinking about you all the time. People are starting to switch off when she talks cuz it's all 'Liz this', 'Liz that', 'I wish I was with Liz' and 'when Liz gets back we're going to.......' Bloody Lesbo.
And as for Sheila, well, I think the message she left on your messageboard say it all! You realise what she has put isn't 100% true!! They have noticed that I can't concentrate at work, sigh. Anyways best be off xjx
Hi Liz, was just thinking about what you are up to while I am sat here at work, its so boring, Moira is chatting to me while I am writing this, I am not paying her any attention, just nodding my head every few minutes so she thinks I am listening!!! I would much rather be where you are even though the weather is s***ty. Sounds like you have done some amazing things already, I love reading about what you have done, brings back memories of when I was travelling. Keep having lots and fun, enjoy yourself and make the most of it, it will go so quickly. Hope you have a brilliant christmas and an even better new year, lots of xmas hugs and kisses, xxxx
Hey Liz!!
glad to hear you are having fun and are still managing to spend all your money on clothes and beer half way across the world!
looking forward to christmas here, off to Middlesbrough tomorrow, last day of work woohoo! Will miss you and your cocktails on christmas day! xx
Hi Liz just posting a message here cos you can't get at your e mail. Played your video sky dive last night and it was good to see you!! Should have given you my measurements! Miss you loadsxxxx Keep enjoying it all and hurry up with the photos!
whoops meant to say Hoi An!
As I can't get to my email in Vietnam I thought I would put a message on here! Missing you all too, sorry you haven't had a personal reply yet Sheila, I will email you as soon as I can!! Tracy have several drinks for me!
The weather here is crap, there has been loads of rain, esp central Vietnam (Typhoon!!) but hopefully its letting up as we go down South. Not sure what the New Year will be like as Southern Thailand/Malaysia has severe flooding so may be stuck in Bangkok!! So much for getting a good tan! Sheila can you let me know Pats email so I can get in touch?!! Still hoping to see her on Phuket!
I have on the other hand enjoyed a brilliant couple of days getting clothes made in Hanoi!! A total of 7 items for 40 pounds! wahoo!!
Missing you all,
Love me x
Hi Lizzie
Saw the lovely Matt on Saturday in the Ship - scarey doorman or what!! Work is brilliant, can't wait to go in again tomorrow. Weather is excellent, sat on the beach at the weekend with Jessie and Molly. Jase is really missing you, pining, not eating and can hardly concentrate at work - luckily no one has noticed yet. We are all really jealous as he has had a personal reply and a text message, not that he boasts about it at all!
Good photos and messages, Patty is looking forward to seeing in the New Year!!
Hoburne was a good laugh,notthe same without you though - everyone was still standing at 1 o'clock!!
loads of love xxx