Hello there everyone, its Cheryl here updating the website for you all to see!
Well we are into week 12 of our adventure and we are currently on the island of Ko Tao in Thailand. As of yesterday me and Liz are now fully quailified open water scuba divers which means we can dive to 18 meters on our own without an instructor. We did the course over 4 days. Day one we spent in the classroom learning and watching videos. Strange to be back in a learning environment! Day 2 we had lessons in the morning followed by lessons in the swimming pool in teh afternoon. We had to practise lots of different skills like how to take off our mask and put it back on, clear the water out of it, all underwater! Day 3 we did 2 dives off the boat into the sea. The first dive we went to 12 meters and we saw loads of fish and different coral. On the second dive we went to 10 meters and did all the skills we had learnt in the pool. Day 4 we did another 2 dives, the first one was to 18 meters and we saw 2 sharks! It was brill. Dive 2 was to 12 meters and we did all the skills again! All of day 2 we were being filmed, we have bought the dvd so we can show it to you all when we get back home.
Liz is currently on the advanced open water course, this is over 2 more days. I will be joining her tomorrow to do a deep dive where we will be diving to 30 meters and hopefully get much closer to the sharks!
We will be heading off to Ko Phangan tomorrow afternoon where we will be partaking in the full moon party!
Last week we had the pleasure of Gav's company! We all spent a lovely relaxed week on the island of Ko Chang, where we didn't do much except be in the sea and be lazy. Reading books, eating good food on the beach! Its a hard life!
Well Liz and I hope you are all ok and getting into the festive spirit!
Take care and we hope to hear from you soon
x x x x x x x x
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