Liz & Chez's Big Adventure
This website is really about Liz and Chez's adventures but Liz and Ian had such fun in their week together taht it would be rude not to comment on that too.
Our first port of call (decided upon en-route) was Bunbury. According to the guidebook (turns out they are handy after all) the main attraction is the dolphin sactuary where wild dolphins 'visit' not because they are fed or anything, just out of curiosity. Sitings are not guarenteed but we decided to try our luck and we were certtainly not disappointed. Not only did a dolphin visit but she brought her new baby with er too! They were so trusting they swam right up close to us - it was amazing and definitely an experience never to be forgotten!
Feeling all boisted up and at one with nature we went to feed the lazy kangaroos before setting off again on our journey. They are funny beings who just sit and scratch themselves a lot. However hard we tried to persuade them to though, they would not jump for us, they just kind of lolloped. Don't worry though, we did get to see one jump eventually when we nearly ran it over in Margaret River - one of those that was exciting, did we nearly die moments!
In Margaret River - a district known for its wine and cheese (what more does one need in life?) we had hired a cabin. This was lovely, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by LOTS of nature, with a barbeque out the back. Our nearedt neighbours were a half hour walk away and conveniently for our stomachs were a venison farm - yum, yum! Needless to say Ian and I being like-minded food and drink fiends did wonders for local tourism that week!
Contrary to popular opinion we didn't only eat and drink the week away there was plenty to see with the limestone caves, more beautiful beaches and of course the valley of the giant Tingle trees. It was not until I had peer pressured Ian up a 61 metre tall tree and along the ricketty, narrow, 60 odd metre high tree top walk (which I jiggled about to make it more fun) that Ian confessed to his dislike of heights - oops! Sorry Ian (again).
Ian's departure back to the ass end of nowhere was inevitably sad but he will be back again to join the Sydney adventures - horray!
So....onto Liz and Cheryl's reunion - it was a beautiful moment!
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