Hi, you seem to be settling in, Liza them toilets look lovely haha. enjoyed reading all about what you have been doing and the pic, both take care of each other love to you both xxxx miss you two.............
Wow the photos are fab, looks like you are both are having a real good time. I'm reading your blogs and i love the pics of the coke cans and especially the toilet - don't blame you for running out! Enjoy your travels, keep safe and keep on taking lots of photos.
Love Dawn x
Am thinking about you loads - we were all wondering at work today how you are getting on.... Keep us posted
Ghra x
Abbie And Marc
hey guys hope ur flight was good and u rested well after the stress of packing and getting ready xxx loving the pics of saturday night xxxx go enjoy ur chrispy duck and ill facebook ya soon xx take care of each other xxlove u xxxx
Chris Margiotta
Hey, where was the leaving drinks?? hope you both have good time and dont get on each others nerves being away for so long together, hope all goes well!!!
An Irish Blessing
" May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of his hand"
You're a very special person always destined to go far, I hope the nice folk of the world know just how luckly they are
Hope you both have time of your lifes
Lots of love always Mumxxxxxxxxx
Yay I'm the first to leave you a message!
Hope you both have an amazing time on this trip even though I'm going to miss you loads and you're missing my 30th!!!!!!