My daughter is such a greaetr traveler. We had two bad flight when she was 12-15 months old because she wasn't interested in nursing and hard to distract. But at 18 months, she understood we were in the air and really enjoyed travel and the perks and amenities that come with it. My son is constantly on the move and is offended by all efforts to distract him from moving. The only way we cope is take connecting flights so we can nap/snack on the plane and run between gates. I dread putting him on a plane because he always catches the nasty virus du jour. This year we decided to drive across country instead if fly. (I needed my car bc it's an extended stay.) Despite our best efforts and sanitation and isolation, he got the flu and accompanying brochiolitis. I'd listen to him wheeze and gag on phlegm as we drove, charting the next Children's hospital on our route. He had his flu shot so he managed to find a strain not in the shot. My daughter and I didn't get sick. My husband eventually got it from my son and got pneumonia to boot. So much for avoiding air planes and sharing tight quarters with strangers! I'm still trying to figure it out did that waitress at Red Robin in WI sound a bit congested?VA:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...
Kailugala My daughter is such a greaetr traveler. We had two bad flight when she was 12-15 months old because she wasn't interested in nursing and hard to distract. But at 18 months, she understood we were in the air and really enjoyed travel and the perks and amenities that come with it. My son is constantly on the move and is offended by all efforts to distract him from moving. The only way we cope is take connecting flights so we can nap/snack on the plane and run between gates. I dread putting him on a plane because he always catches the nasty virus du jour. This year we decided to drive across country instead if fly. (I needed my car bc it's an extended stay.) Despite our best efforts and sanitation and isolation, he got the flu and accompanying brochiolitis. I'd listen to him wheeze and gag on phlegm as we drove, charting the next Children's hospital on our route. He had his flu shot so he managed to find a strain not in the shot. My daughter and I didn't get sick. My husband eventually got it from my son and got pneumonia to boot. So much for avoiding air planes and sharing tight quarters with strangers! I'm still trying to figure it out did that waitress at Red Robin in WI sound a bit congested?VA:F [1.9.10_1130]please wait...