Hope you both had a good anniversary, what better way to spend it than a round the world hey!!! Enjoy yourselves and keep us all posted...love to you both from..L M A C Clark
Kathy & Richard
Happy Anniversary. Been good following your journey so far, very impressive. Take care. Love R & K
Rob Austin
Hello to you both, hope you are having a fantastic time, it certainly looks like you are!! keep the photos coming they cheer up my monday mornings. Have fun and take care. (ps. Lisa.....who's the fat bald bloke thats always stood at the side of you ?!?!?!? - haha) Rob.... x x ....
Hi Lisa and Simon, its been good travelling with you so far, but isn´t it time you guys had a wash?
Clare (Cath Lab)
hi lisa $ simon,
looks like you are both having a brilliant time, pictures are fantastic.
Not sure about the big lizard!
Alls fine in not so sunny manchester/wythenshawe.
All missing you. No news from work,everything still the same as you can imagine.
Anyway both take care, keep the pictures coming. xxxxx clare french
Ann & Dave
Hi Lisa & Simon,,Great pics, Have a great time...Happy Birthday Lisa...xxx Ann & Dave
Beryl & Brian
Hello Lisa & Simon, you look as if you are having a whale of a time, wish you both a safe journey, and LISA VERY MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY. Lots of love ,from BERYL & BRIAN. XXXXXXXX
Anything that is dreamable is also reachable
Go for it and make it come true.
D, M, P, W, & O.
hello you two!! pics look fantastic you must be having a great time. we're having the wettest august you could imagine so you're missing out on even less!! steve and i finally moved in and the house is great, archie has settled fine. can't wait to see more pics and hear your news. take care lots of love Em X
Hi lisa
You both look like you are having a great time. Obviously you are not missing work then!
Hope to keep hearing from you both through this site, enjoy and do everything I would do! and much more.
love caroline(cath lab)
Alison & Lilian
Hi Simon and Lisa,
Looks like you are having a ball. I am so bloody jealous. Nothing changes in this place apart from PA Sarah has handed her notice in. She's too bored!!!!!! I have been approached by Mark Bailey to apply. The money is quite tempting I have to say. But would it be worth putting up with Bob, I'll keep you posted.
Lilian's off poorly at the moment so I'm writing for us both.
Thought you might like to know, its chucking it down here and has been non stop for the last two days. What happended to summer, I think its gone. Send some sunshine our way!!!!!!