OK so the good news is i didna give myself a dose o the runny ones eating my own cooking!!! Now pretty talented in the art of vietnameese cooking.... well i call it talented i'm sure others think its basic... The best bit of the whole course had to actually be buying the ingredients... the lassie took us to the local market and explained what everything was.... no thats not cause i'm basic but cause everything looks different over here!!! The stall holders like to show you how fresh everything is.... to the extent that the skin the frogs alive and leave them hopping about like that.... too much for me!!! OK and the other cooking lesson she told me about was cooking and eating eggs that have a chick in the middle of them.... i think i'll passs.... cheers anyway!!!
Spent an amazing day in Hue with my legs wrapped round an amazing little guy who was appropriately called mr F.u.c.k!!!! And yes like he told me its actually spelt PHUC just so I didn't get confused!!! We had a motorbike ride out into the local villages, paddy fields, temples and got to see how to make the traditional conical hats and incense..... I even got a shot at making my own incense.... not sure it looked exactly right but its the taking part that counts eh!!! Think the ladies were a bit put out when everyone else bought theirs and i said no thanks i hate the stuff it feckin stinks!!!!
Vang Vieng in Laos is part capital buckets of cocktails for less than a pound.... fecking hangover waiting to happen if ya ask me!!! Anyway its also adventure capital so when in rome and all that.... morning spent with my arse wedged in a tyre inner floating down pitch black caves..... again the language barrier kicked in because just as i was expecting to see something amazing at the end of the cave the guide hits a wall and says "the end"!!! Wow nice wall!!! Pretty cool experience though floating down the caves with just head torches so see all the stalagmites.... Lunch stop with ducks and chickens all over the place to which the kiwi guy asks me is that what they mean by a big ok bring on nz and the banter!!! Afternoon was spent kayaking down the river.... don't think the objective was to end up in it but as we come up to a narrow rapids with a big log in the middle n i say to helena, who's supposed to be in charge of steering, what way you going? i suddenly realise we are going straight at the log..... cue a dooking in rather dirty water..... when we eventually get down to the river side bars and swings where you drop into the deep pools we are just in time to see the swing supports on one swing break and go crashing into the river with a guy on them..... think i'll pass on that one too!!!!
Just spent two days on a long boat coming from Luang Prabang..... long days when you can do jack all but the stop at night at Pak Beng made up for it!!! Local dishes include rat on a squewer.... yep looks just like a cooked rat... tail n everything!!! Again I felt i had to pass!!! The one i didn't pass on which i thought i would was dog.... kinda strange tasting it off the barbie when there's a live dog sitting next to it.... can't help but wonder if thats the one for tomorrow!!!
The border crossing from laos to thailand had to be another "experience" bloody small narrow boat for ten of us with all our bags.... a bloke steering thats pissed out of his brains... no life jackets.... cockroaches.... and to top it off the boat is bloody unstable and rocks from side to side a bit too close to capsizing for my liking..... ah asia what a brilliant place!!!!
The bad news is that after nearly five months I now have to stop drinking beer.... I know its a sad day when its come to this but when i was in the market today buying ickle cute things for my ickle cute niece the lady who couldn't speak english smiled and pats my belly... fecking cheeky beatch!!!! Anyway I have decided not to dwell to much on the beer belly and head out on a two day drinking binge with Mr Shand in Singapore..... let the fun begin!!!
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