Arrived safely in asia.... one night in bangkok and then it was off on the road again to cambodia, its another amazing country with very friendly people and some amazing sights, sounds and bloody unique smells..... We went to see the Angkor temples on day two getting up at 4am for sunrise over angkor wat and then going onto angkor thom where angelina stared in tomb raider..... can't say i was really having an angelina day dripping in sweat and having to cover up as much as possible as a mark of respect in a religious place.... i know not like me.... but i did a damn sight better than a russian girl who decided to show everyone her arse cheeks the whole day.... think i might scare everyone away if i did the same thing... either that or they would think it was sunset awful early that day!!!!
Our guide on the tour is cambodian and is damn determined we will try all the local cuisine, a lot of which is very tasty but I drew the line at the ant paste dip.... yes that would be ants fried with lemon grass, milk and salt.... yummy!!!! The tuk tuk driver on the first night also got the jist of my love afair with cambodian food when he tried to take us on a tour instead of going striaght back to the hotel..... I had to explain that I needed to get back to hotel very quickly or else I would s*** on his seats..... literally!!!! Yes two days in asia and already i'm reacquainted with my ceramic pal, thank god we are back to sitting down ones as I'm very over holes in the ground!!!
Me and one of the other girls decided to opt for a tuk tuk ride to all the different places today, taking in the local sights sounds and lovely smells!!!! I think this was kind of putting our lifes in someone elses hands as the road systems in asia are some what non existant and when you get to a four way junction you just prey to hell your going to come out the other side in one piece!!! As you can imagine there were a lot of "oh my god", "oh s***e", "feckin hell", "jesus christ" going on!!!
We had a pretty eye opening day today going to S21 and the killing fields just outside Phnom Penh, its where thousands of people were masacred when the khmer rouge were in power. The S21 building in the centre of phnom penh is where thousands of adults and children were tourtured before being taken to the killing fields where they were killed and burried in shallow graves, so shallow that the ones that have not been excavated have now been cordoned off as the people walking through had worn down a couple of inches to the bones!! I think its because it all happened in the last 30 years that makes it so hard hitting and that there are still people alive to tell the tale of how horendous it was.
Anyway off to the beach for the next couple of days for some more burn time.... enjoy the snow at home, i'll try and blow some heat your way!!!
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