Thank you for the kind and welcomed birthday wishes. The day was beautiful and i could not of asked for a more spectacular celebration of my turning of years. The people of Peru are kind and generious in their thoughts and actions, as are those that i am blessed to be traveling with thank you Lindsay and Scott. Much love and happiness to you all be well...Coby my love to you, Mo and/or Gayle a tummy rub for Coby from me would be fantastic. Thanks!
Big Daddy
What up Ya ll it looks like you guys are having a great time. Happy b-day Mark!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun and PS
Linds, Scoot, Mark,Cailin,Matt, & Tim, I Hope everything is going well with all of you, and happy belated birthday to you Mark. I just got back from Florida and had a great time. The weather was very nice except for a little rain. The food was great. I walked Coby at least 2 times a day. If your mother went we would go on long walks. I think Coby is enjoying his time with your mom and Mo. When your mom was in New York I let Coby sit up on the couch with me. I know I shouldn't have but he really enjoyed it since he probably sleeps there after everyone goes to bed. Linds and Scoot, you would be very proud of your sister. She kept up the Davis tradition of being a great defender and a very smart soccer player. To say the least I was very proud of her. I was able to see her play 4 games and the last one was her best. I didn't realize how fast she was and what power she has. I wish you would have been able to see her play. Maybe if she plays in college you will get your chance. Have fun and stay safe. Keep sending pictures. I love you all. Dad
Happy belated birthday Mark! I'm so stoked that we all get to meet up so soon....
beso, Cailin
Mo And Cobes
Happy belated Birthday Mark!!!!!!!! we love and miss you guys!
Aunt Kathy
Hey guys - I can't tell you how great it is to live viacriously through you!! I'm such a chicken I would never be strong enough to do anything remotely similar. Take Care & Love you lots!!!
Mary Goodyear
Hi Mark, I am enjoying your messages and pictures.
Happy birthday Mark:)
Mom & Pops H
Hi everyone. We are happy to see you are on the move again. We are enjoying your pictures and videos. We also want to wish Mark a happy 26th birthday on Tuesday. Love to all, Mom & pops H
Mo And Cobes
Hey guys! Your new pictures are awesome! Seems like you all are having a great time! Love and miss you all! Happy traveling!
Evan & Mo
The pictures are great, I know it's cliche but I hope you get back up in the cordilleras, it's one of the most amazing places in the Americas so enjoy it while you can and don't foget about las thermales. Although one of the pictures shows camp closer than two hundred yards to a point water source so we'll need a new UTM... If you're still in Huarez swing by the Andino Cafe, run by a Brit and his Peruvian wife (with a good library and real lattes) and say hi from the pregnant gringos, they should have a kid Kenobi's age. We've been "shreddin the gnar" all over and are headed to To-hell-u-ride tomarrow and then on to Orvis hotsprings to recover. I'll bring your stick so it doesn't feel neglected. Drop us a line [email protected] and make sure the boys are leaving all the articacts around those ruins.
Mom & Pops H
Hi everybody. you should keep moving and get out of the Hostel. You would all probably feel better. You need some fresh air and motivation. We are looking forward to your travel adventure pictures and blogs. The weather in Michigan is snowy and cold. Love from Mom and Pops H