Hi everyone for the last time!
13 months after we started our trip and wrote our first blog from an internet cafe in Rio De Janeiro we are finally writing our last installment. We are sitting on our couch in Edinburgh on a dreary Sunday afternoon reminiscing about the long sunny days we enjoyed in so many places over the last year. It all seems so long ago now!!!
We arrived back to Ireland from Bangkok on the 24th June and spent the whole month of July catching up with friends and family. It felt a bit like an extension of our trip because we were constantly on the go visiting all corners of the country. It was great to see everyone again!
On the 1st of August we drove back to Scotland with our little Micra packed to the brim with all our bits and bobs. It was really weird arriving back into the old flat again after being away for so long. We are both back to work now and reality has hit home with a bang! It's like we were never away!
What a year....
15 countries
21 flights
8 different languages
Multiple forms of transport: Trains (inside and on top of), Buses, Camper Vans, Cars, Motor bikes, Tuk Tuks, Mountain bikes, horses, camels and elephants!
Favourite Food: Vegetarian curries in India
Favourite Wine: lovely Argentinian malbec
Favourite Beer: Beer Lao
Favourite Beach: Lopez Mendes beach, Ilha Grande, Brazil
Favourite Scenery: New Zealand (spectacular!)
Favourite Activity: Too many to pick just one but a list would include things like...cycling Death Road in Bolivia, Sky Dive in Taupo, New Zealand, visiting Uluru and camping outdoors with the dingoes, hunting for Rhinos and Tigers in Nepal and riding on top of a train in Ecuador.
Favourite Country: Every place had something special about it!
On a drunken night in Ko Tao I started writing a Limerick in a vain attempt to sum up our travels. It morphed into what we have written below! Linda wants all abusive comments directed to me!
We have a tear in our eye as we write our last piece
Although in one way it's a bit of a release
We are sad to say goodbye to our lives of ease
But delighted to be back with our friends and families
Thanks for your messages and keeping in touch
While we were travelling they meant so much
No doubt this diary will help us to recall
When we're grey and old and not really on the ball!!
Love to you all,
Ger and Linda xxx
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