Half term & time to head home home.. Six months since I was last here & plenty has changed, which is unusual!
My parents moved house, my friends have got married & have children who are now walking!
Exiting times.. Le Tour de Yorkshire coming soon! Wedding season round the corner! A great place to be..
Initially I was thinking "Oh Christ, leaving sunny crisp Berlin to head to grey rainy North Yorkshire" however, bright sunny days have accompanied me on my holiday travelling between friends & family. So much so I was even inspired to go running! Must be mad..
Harrogate is still much the same, apart from the new "Pound World" causing a stir! Harrogate just too posh!!
Support some time in Knaresborough this time,a small market town outside the gate. Great scenery down by the castle & the river, some fantastic places to eat & drink...
Watching FC a real highlight! A great club with fantastic philosophy, fan ownership the way forward for football. A great atmosphere at games! Bringing football back.. it's one of the many things I have missed since moving aboard & it's always something I look forward to when I return! Managed to get two games in this time!
Seeing my friends little ones is number one on my return list of things to do! Super cute! I do miss out on so much living away, but then I get to spend time catching up, something to really look forward to..
Tomorrow night promises to be a fantastic finish to the holiday... a night with Lindsay as old ladies!!!
A great holiday with plenty of fun.. (night out with penny & encouraging galloping around the night club a real highlight!)
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