I notice in your pictures that you're wearing what seems to be a PINK t-shirt. Well done old chap. looks like you're having a good time big ears; has anyone recognised you yet from your days of fame with STB?!xxx
Ah yes! Several Japanese have waved and asked to shake hands and bowed, I can only assume they were part of the crowd that night we performed in Tokyo! haha
Glad to see that you're checking out the transport over there. Trains. I think the cherry blossom is really pretty.
Wooowooooo!!!! Ohayo gozaimasu. O-genki desu ka? Kyoto de nani o shimasu ka? (woowoooo good morning, how are you? what will you be doing in Kyoto)!
Louise Juniper
This is such a nice idea. Will be wicked to check out what your getting up to! I dont think i need to say have a good time, its going to be amazing!