Jeezo Kymm - and you said you weren't adventurous!! Good on ya - you must be mental. Now we want a video of Liam catching a monster swordfish out there in the South Pacific. Have a guid 'holiday' in Rarotonga. xxx
Criky Kymmbo Blinkin ell thats the first time that I havent been envious of your escapades - hope you have located the nearest Laundrette!! remember, what goes up has to come down!! glad your landing was right way up xxx
The Leatherback
sup gangstas
big up to kymm for havin major cahunas!!! id love to do that s***! bet u need a clean pair now tho! sheet
Sup you 2 congrads on your new nice.we will be in the cook islands for the next week topping up wur tans and daying a wee bit deep sea fishing.later.xx
Busy Lizzy
Hey you two love birds. Hope all is well? Youz look like youz have the most amazin tans, am slightly jealous!!! Am in Nairn at the mo, and the weather is gorgeous - has been like summer. Had a gid barby on Saturday, and the wine was flowing. My new niece Kirsten is gorgeous, and Chloe is well chuffed. Anywayz, hope you guyz continue to have the times of your lives, and we will continue to be boring farts, doing boring things like working and paying council tax. Take care. Lots of Love, Liz, xxx
Sup Gangstas!
Jus been lookin at ur foties, gid to c ur ugly pus again, are they drinks superglued to ur hands or sowt. that tower hing looks high like!
Was in nairn at tha weekend, seein lizes new nice. Pete rock was ment to be playin at the bongo club on friday, but he got arrested for not paying child support!!
Hope all is well.
Man @ The Black
Just checked out your NZ photos. Are you guy s out of your tiny minds wantuing to jump off that tower?? have you completely lost it??Think you must still have some jet lag kickin in. Or something anyways. you ve not been at the blottin paper?? Or has Spiderman 3 just been released there !! Mad! Mad! Mad!
Easy on the photos of the ships. That's just tormenting.
Great to speak to you this mornin.Take it easy.
lots of loveXXX
Liam - read your e-mails before you phone on saturday. xx
Hey guys, sorry we haen't been in touch lately, usual excuse - no net. Thanks so much for all of the cool pressies you sent! The ring is beautiful kymm! hope you're still having a fab time! I've got Emma Scott's mobile no off her mum, just in case you've got time to meet up. She's working in Aukland. (# 64211536622) I'm gonne have to shoot off coz i'm at Euan's work the now. Chat soon, lots o luv xxx
p.s Katelyn has four teeth now and has started taking her first steps on her own. she sends her kisses and dribbles! xxxx
Sup pops the painting was just mounted on a wooden frame.cant say much the moneys aboutn to run out.speekc to you saterday.
Church 2 Nz
Hey guys good 2 hear ure safe and well in New Zealand. Not much happenin in the Burgh at the mo, but Euski luvs comin up this weekend so all that might change!! As for the deposit LG, ill leave that for ure folks to tell u, frankly we got seriously screwed, Grant Management Suck. Thievin GIMPS.
Katelyn's Ace Auntie Trace
Holy smokes Batgirl and Batman!! I dunno where to start... firstly, sorry for no' getting onto the site sooner, but ye ken what it's like.. I'm up here in Aberdeen where it takes longer to do stuff cos it's so freakin cauld. But here i am, and i'm so shocked at how fabulous your journey looks. The photos are fabulous, ye's look great.. (no, i'm not jealous.. much). Naturally i'm sending ye's my humongous congratulations at yer fabulous news. Both engagement rings look amazing.. but i'm of the same opinion as Sue, that yer first yin will remain the most sentimental yin. I loved the proposal story too, made me grin from 'ere to 'ere.. (pointing out cheesy grin). Ooooo.. Katelyn can be a flower girl... all pretty and stuff in her dress.. carrying rings down aisle on a silk cushion or something.. Damn.. i shoulda mentioned that to Pammy when i spoke to her earlier. By the way.. i gotta ask.. Guinea Pigs??? Like real.. ?? Like cute wee beasties?? Aw man.. i think i'm gonna spew..!! Och well, i guess it has to be a case of 'when in rome'.. or Brazil, you get my point. So, how is Auckland anyway? I'm looking forward to logging on regularly now and seeing the updates. And where was my soddin prezzies??? Right then piss heids.. i'm outta here for the noo, i dinnae want to hold ye's up. It's good to see ye's looking so well and having a fantastic time. Take care, oh and.. G'day mate.. (is that just an Oz thing??) T x
machu piccu photos are amazing btw, wot a bloody view.