Keep an eye oot for those koala's as they are sneaky f*****s.They'll nick your wallet at the first opperchancity!Go to that fish and chip cafe a bit further down the bay-it's meant to be the nuts.I'll hook you up with Adam and Graham if they are close by.Photo's look great keep them coming.
sup pops dave metthews dand has allready been in australia.they were here in april.
Sup maltese falcon who ever you are.I have allready tiedafew kangas down ,mr rolph harris showed me how,
5 TEETH monkey heed im impressed.o hope your mummy and daddy are giving them a real good brush because you have to have the nicest smile ever for when i come hom,xxxxxxx
Sup chunch i aint sent that game home yet,will do the nxt tome i sendsowt.
peace yall
Maltese Falcon
Aw yeah Gizwozza's howz it hangin.The upside doon country looks barrie ken! Watch oot fur the kangeroo boxin! You might huv tae tie a few doon sport ken! Get one o they hats wie the corcks on anaw. PEACE
Hey unkie Liam and auntie Kymm
How are you both? I'm loving the fotos of sydney, it looks amazing. hope you're both still having a great time. That's great news about your wee flat and hopefully your job where richard worked.
Nothing much is happening here. I'm just being like i always am.... a wee monkey!!! I haven't got round to trying that trick out on daddy yet. He sneaked a look at your message so i need to wait till he's least expecting it. I've still just got the 5 teeth but think i'll have another one soon coz i always seem to get a snoty nose when one is coming and that's what i have the now, nice i know!
Anyway i'll go just now and speak to you both soon. Good luck with speaking to richard's boss! take care, with all my love, hugz, snots and dribbles from your wee monkey heed! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s as usual mummy and daddy send all of their love too!xxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.p.s i love the tiara auntie kymm, that would look good with my fairy wand, don't you think?????? (hee hee) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Chuurch To Sydney
Hey Guys, lovin the photos, Sydney looks brilliant. Good to kno uve got a flat. LG, hope everything works out wit ure jobby job!!! Now that ure in Australia u have to find Harold Bishops fat ass and get on the set with him and Lou, yeah boyeee!!! By the way, did u post me that game u found?
hey daz yip its going great here, weve got a wee flat that we move into next week. get some photos of dads bike and email me them! hope uv not been felling all the wee neds at school again. c ya x
liam u baw-heed u shouldn't have let me get in such a state so i would lose the camera. cheese nut.
Mum N Pops
Great - so pleased it worked - now we only have to figure out how the hell we did it!! xxx
Hey guys i got the email ok and printed it out so all is good.thanx much xx
Mum Npops
Liam - have hopefully e-mailed you your statements so check your e-mail and let us know if its been successful.By the way - remember to take your reference from Water Gems when you go to meet Richard's boss - ken what your memory's like!!! xxxx