congratulations to the both of you, excellent news..cant wait to see this ring!!Im gonna get severly mashed to celebrate two of the muskateers getting married!!!
U set a date or thought about where??
hope to speak to yaz both soon!!
take care.let the good times roll!!
Oh guyz!! Am so happy for youz!! Congratulations!! Hope you are both well, which is a pretty silly thing to say cause youz obviously are. We are missing youz both, and wish we could get smashed wit youz to celebrate. Unfortunately thatz just not possible, so just get smashed together and we will have a sesh too!! Hey Liam, howd you ask the big Q? Did you get down on one knee and tell Kymm that she's the only one for you and all that kinda stuff? You set a date? Just wondrin so I can start booking loadza naked guys for the hen party!! Anyway take care of each other and keep the photees flowing. Give us a call anytime if youz can on Shaun's new mob. Take care. Liz, xx
Hazel & Ron
congratulations from everybody at sprouston and oz,have a wee drink when u get back.glad you are enjoying you,re
Congratulations Guys!! Just heard the news from Liz!! xxx
The Mintae's
Hey Liam and Kymm!
CONGRADULATIONS on the engagement,relly gd to hear!me(rach) and carrie are gettin total excited foned this mornin and he says congradulations 2!
Hope everything is grand and we will keep up to date frm sue and the 'auld yin wi the beard'lol.!xxxxx
Auntie Feef
Check out your e-mail KM - I've sent an additional message
Congrats on the engagement u sly we dunder heeds, got the wedding date planned yet??
Got a new fone the other day, ma new number is - 07973696044, but i still dont get a gid signal in the flat of lead!
Hope everything's goin swimmingly.
Linda And Gang
CONGRATULATIONS to you both. love and hugs the woodhead gang
Well Cheese Wurm and Ferret Dock.
The Ferrets doon here are as chuffed as hell wi the news. Six squid sounds tasty tae me and nae doot it will always have a special taste bein the original squid ring frae the one and only Lama. Will have a dram thenight thinking in ure direction. Look forward tae the phone call.
Wi a handshake in thought
Frae the auld Ferret and his Ferret Queen
Mum & Pops
Mum & Pops
CONGRATULATIONS GUYS! Just got in from Amsterdam and read your news. Show us a photo of the six quid ring. Can we put it in the Southern? Speak soon, loads of love to you both.
well i take it all u wee fannys were drunk last ngt and thought ud try and be the big men.
im asuming that mint tha dirty little dingel berry swinging from a camels arse crack,hangin on for dear life becuase thats the only place he knows as home (osexual)was there.
every thing is going good thanx for askin.we went ont in lima last ngt got pritty trashed.we stayed in the main squere to start with drinkin margaritas because there pritty cheep and ive never known a drink that can get u so pissed in such little time.before we new it it was 2 oclock so we jumped into a taxie and headed to the clubs.
the taxie driver was a bit of a nutjob he turned his music up full blast someked a few of my tabs whiles runnin red ligts n ####.the first club he took us to was closed so we went els where.we finaly made it to another joint miles away.we paid him the fair then he took us into the club payed us in and got us into the v.i.p we had mor drinks there.
then the taxi had rilized hed locked the keys in his taxie so he had to split.when we left he was still tryin to open his door with wires n stuff,which then resolved in the good old stone in a sock hammer.we got in and he took us back to the hostel.we paid him he wanted a wee bit extra for his window but i told him get ti ####.his fualt for bein a stupid gimp bag.
any ways just had a mc swet to qure the hangover.goin to go hand in some landery.later fanny baws.