heya folks!
?just a wee update, we're still?cruising in our "smile if ur a w***er" campervan. photos will be up soon! so far we have travelled up round the top of the northland to the bay of islands, which was nice but had some mad country music festival goin on.
Then we went round the coast and headed for a kauri tree forest, which was supposed to have these huge ancient kauri trees,and is one of the last forests in NZ to have them (they look more impressive than they sound by the way!), but...we took a 'short cut' gettin there and ended up taking 2&1/2 hours to travel 40 miles on this gravel road through a spooky forest in the middle of nowhere in the pitch black! in the morning we set off again for this forest but spent an hour driving round in circles so tired and pissed off from trying to find these stupid-ass trees?we decided to head for the nearest city!
After that we went back through auckland and down to a place called roturua, which was full of geysers which made the town stink of eggs. we also went to see the remains of a town which got smothered in ash and lave from a volcanic eruption. quite eerie and good to see but not really worth the 25 bucks to get in! and the place was teeming with smelly wee school kids!
Then we headed a bit further south to Taupo which has a huge lake. after going with the baw-heed to book his skydive i decided i couldnt pass up the chance and on friday morning we got hurled up in a wee plane,strapped to our instructors, and at 12000feet we were thrown out the door! was pretty incredible seeing the ground coming towards u as u fall at 200 km an hour, that?is once u get ur head round the breathing! the views across the lake were something else too. mad mad s***!
So after that we headed further south to tongariro national park which had some pretty impressive volcanoes, and was also where they shot 'mordor' in lord of the bum rings. but after being attacked by wasps and stung in the morning (u can imagine the state of me!) we headed further south. spent a day at wanganoui, all set up for goin on the piss to discover there was like one pub. new zealand has no pub culture at all!
So...we headed back up round the west coast hoping to see Mt Taranaki (the one in the picture here) but it has pissed down so u cant even see it! which brings us to today, arrived at a place called waitomo where we're going to see a kiwi sanctuary and some glow-worm caves.
well thats about it from here, hope everyone's well!
catch yall later
Kymm n Liam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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