Hi Its Paul hope that you are getting on ok, & enjoying yourselves.
"Still playing Biuld me up Buttercup" I know how much that you like it, LOL
Sarah Clarke
Hello guys! sounds like your having a wicked time! Am very jealous! And I can't wait to have you home so you can really tell me all about it! love ya x
yeee its bin a few years!! ye when you go to india the north is the best! the family said helloo back and hope your having a good time!! ye cant wait she will get to see the crazy bull family lol!! talk soon xx
Josh...again! Sorry
just looked thru ur pics.... MY TROUSERS!!! OMG!!! they r famous world wide!! hehe!! awww, and he holds his ciggarette like moi too!! ahh, how funny, see theres just no escapin the josh tendancies is there hehe :) x xx
o n just so u know, nikki's callum is one today n crawlin round everywhere.... aww u should see him now, he rly big n gawjus! also my lil nephew, also one, is walkin n runnin around!!! bless! so where is it u r off to after aussie??? n liam mentioned somethin bout india i just read.... woowooo! awww guys ur journey sounds absolutely immense!!! god i would love to be travellin around rite now, i feel starved and deprived, like an overworked african boy lol!!! luurvein ya'z x x x x x x
hehehe!!! ahh (gasps in shock!) the cheek of it! bless you heart!! well my lovely i wish it was at the weather, but it actually hasnt bn all to bad!-- well im lying slightly as the fake tan is still in endless supply lol unlike u lucky pair with ur stunningly brown bodies!!! aww jadey, u bn gone4such a long time now, n it made me realise just how lucky i am to have u as a friend! i really do love u very very much and i know the latter part of last yr wasnt great, but i rly do blv ur friendship is worth its weight in gold, evn on opposite sides of the world! lovin the pics n the blog, altho it did send me a lil blur visioned, but been dyslexic n all, that hardly difficult!!! have fun both of u on ur travels, n keep safe! much love, fairy lol x x x x
Bloody hell emma!!! talk about long time no speak!! lol. i'm glad to say it's not too bad out here, i'd recommend it anhu... yeah we r goin to India, we get there hopefully in december and we have got near enough a month there so that should be great, u will have to give us some ideas on where to go in Goa.lol. Say hi to the rest of the family and i hope that they are all keeping well. Jade says hi, and i'm sure u will get to meet her when we get back, she's not too bad... hope to hear from u xxx
Mom, i kept tellin Shannon that the phone bill would be steep, but she said it was only u paying it so she didn't care!! I'm not telling u how to parent but... I would make her stump up the costs. Just an idea. Can't wait to see the snake, i wanna come back just to hold it lol. The job hunting as Jade said is slow progress, but it is progress, I'm looking at doing traffic control of all things!! It depends on the hours that they can give me though. I need at least 50 a week, to cover the cost of training and digs and whatnot. If not then i have got to wait around for the recruitment agency. We have only been in sydney for just under a week so still early doors! I will ring you it works out cheaper, it only cost like $2 an hour so u no... Sat morning, for you about 10ish, u may get this message after i ring so if so ignore everything i've just said. love u xxxxx
Loz... U miss the sound of my voice?! I speak more to u now than i did when i was back home lol. How privilaged i should feel that we have made the hallowed screen saver montage of Lauren Shortman.. I'm truly honoured!! I miss Snobs... have u got Jades mobile no.? If not, txt my mom for it, then send us ur house num and wat times u will be in, an i will give u a bell. xxxx
Joshuwawa u big fairy! :-) Are you sure you weren't crying looking at the weather where we are compared to Brum :-) xxxxxxx
Loz you have made me feel a million times better, I would be furious if I had been going to V this year! Also we are quite jealous that you are getting 80p vodkas when the alcohol here is extortionate!!
John - The Job seeking is going...well it is in progress :-s We are with a couple of recruitment agencies so we are waiting impatiently! Looking forward to getting stuck in and earning some money so we can go to Asia!! So you've been to spain have you... bet my tans better than yours ha ha ha!!!! Sorry to hear about your mum, I am sure she will be well looked after though. Loads of love xxxx
Carole - I know I know we are seriously lagging behind with the blogs! We are definitely going to write it today though. Can't believe the car hire people stuffed up that much, makes you wonder! lol
Hi Mini Mart!! Nice to hear from you!! Missing you terribly ofcourse! Yeah we're having fun in Oz. I am nice and brown and warm :-) Sorry to hear your freezing, put an extra jumper on luv and you'll be fine :-) Be good!! Not that you're going to listen to me but it's worth a try xxx
The pic of u both together with the opera house behind you is fab! it is now in my screensaver slideshow on my work laptop! i love u both xXx
Hiya both, hope everything's going okay. Shannon really enjoyed talking to you yesterday. I suppose she's told you all about Talluah who is settling in very well. Not too sure how the cat will take to it but we're concentrating on keeping them well apart. (I'm not sure who would win out in a head to head confrontation) No doubt you'll be sent pitcures of our new addition. So how's the job hunting going??? you must let me know how you get on. Nothing much happening here. We spent last weekend in a very wet n windy Devon...especially the Saturday but thankfully the Sunday wasn't too bad. We spent most of the Sunday in Brixham crab fishing in the harbour...Shannon caught so many we could have done with a keep net let alone a bucket!! The Villa are playing Bolton tomorrow so fingers crossed and the Blues are away to Wigan..here's hoping Bruce can pull something out of the bag to help them even nearer the relegation zone ha ha. Anyway...back to work for me. I'll try and give you a call over the weekend if I can work out the time difference . Look after yourselves and keep safe...lots of love mom xxx.
Emma Bull
hiya! its emma ya cuz!! how you doing? you both having a good time? hi jade! im soo upset i really want to go austrailia!! hope your having lots of fun! are you going to india Goa? hope to here from you xxx
Mini Mart
hi, sexy!!! r ya havin fun in where ever ya r. Have you got any work yet ? i got to go cause smelly drawers is moaning again lol . We're freezing here, a bet your lovely and warm & nice & brown too!!!