Upon arriving at Gatwick, we bought new tickets to Inverness, as FlyBE also would not honour our original tickets. When we asked if there was a note on our file (there wasn't), we were again told that there was nothing that could be done at their desk - we needed to contact the Customer Services desk in Exeter, England. Needless to say, the new tickets were SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive.
Having gotten our tickets and having been assured we would make a 1440 hour flight, we raced through Gatwick Airport only to be put into a huge line-up for security. When we explained that we were going to miss our flight, they kindly moved us to the "fast track" line and we watched in dismay as the normal line went through at breakneck speed. Upon clearing security and having removed half the contents of our back packs (shoes, coats, cosmetics, electronic devices, so forth), we then had to run up, down, around and through a series of halls and corridors to gate 6 where we were told in delightfully polite English that we'd missed our flight. Back we went to claim our luggage, re-book our flight (this time there was no hassle), and walk the slow queue again through security (which we noted was still faster than the fast track).
Five hours later, we were finally flying to Inverness, Scotland.
You know the saying "For Everything Else, there's Mastercard"? Here's our version:
- 4 flights Calgary to Gatwick (forfeited)
- One night hotel in Calgary
- 4 flights Calgary to Hamilton
- 4 flights Hamilton to Gatwick
- 4 flights Gatwick to Inverness (forfeited)
- 4 more flights Gatwick to Inverness
- One night Inverness hostel (forfeited)
- One night Inverness hostel (half price)
- Trip around the World - Priceless!
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