So since my last blog update we have been to 3 different places and we are now in Airlie Beach.
After leaving Rainbow Beach we headed upto 1770 (yes a place named after a number) we stayed at The Southern Cross which was the nicest hostel we've been to so far! It was literally like a holiday resort- it was awesome. In 1770 we did an activity called Scooterooing, which is where you ride these motorised bikes that are done up to look like Harley Davidsons around the town, on the main roads in a massive group. We raced round for 3 hours then stopped on the beach, to watch the sunset (romantic or what?) before racing back in the dark. was literally so cool- one of the best things we've done so far! Then that evening we had a big party at the hostel with a survivor theme, so we took advantage of the plants outside our room to make our outfits. henry even managed to make shoulder pads out of a palm tree?! literally looked like a male version of Lady Gaga. There were ridiculous drinking games, one of which involved girls downing a raw egg, which Ummat did anyway resulting in him feeling so ill that he had to call it an early night!! haha. The next day we were up at 6:30am to get the bus to Kroombit where we spent the day and night on a cattle ranch!? really didntknow what to expect but it was a pretty good laugh. The boys all chose to go horse riding (lads) and we had to go goat mustering on horseback- it was like a scene from Brokeback Mountain! Then after we were taught how to Lasso, and weven got to catch goats by lassooing them and dragging them by their horns into pens! After we were given a proper roast dinner (which was amazing considering the crap we eat here!) then taught how to crack a whip properly. A skill I'm sure will come in handy for Henry at uni. To end the night we had to ride an absolute death machine of a rodeo bull, literally the most extreme one i've ever seen. A girl stepped up confidently to go first, and in the first buck was thrown off the front of the bull, head first while her feet followeed so that her body contored in a way so that her feet were literally touhing the back of her head. Have never seen a body get into that kind of position! we didn't know whether to laugh hysterically or be worried. Bill pissing himself with laughter didnt help things! And then she had to be taken away by ambulance, and we later found out she had broken her shoulder!! so felt a bit bad for laughing (BUT IT WAS STILL HILARIOUS). And we still went on afterwards! hahahaha (our balls took an absolute bashing...)
We're now up in Airlie Beach which is a really cool, lively town known as the gateway to the Whitsundays. we are going on our whitsundays trip tomorrow so won't be in touch for a few days, but looking foward to it so much! We are going on a boat called the Atlantic Clipper which we've heard nothing but good things about. Literally cannot wait!
Henry and Sam now only have 6 days to go, which is so sad but looking foward to making the most out of the time we all have left!!
Write soon, much love xxxxxx
- comments
Pete Seems a 'literally' cracking trip.... enjoy.
Ian Great blog really gives us a taste of the fantastic experiences and fun you are all having as a group. Keep safe all of you... XX
Katy and Pete Sounds fantastic - but do be careful: we don't want any of you lot shipped home early with a broken shoulder or broken any thing else! Lots of love K & Px