Looks awesome babe it really does miss you loads n love you even more.
Thanks for calling the other day it was great to hear you voice
Hiya tiger, Bet you miss sheff really!!! hehe. Keep up the good work and i'll see you in a few weeks xxxx
Sam Shep
Hey Leigh hope your ok sound like you are having loads of fun!! how gorgeous are the tigers! Ill be reading while you are on your travels! glad to know your having fun! love sam xxx
Nanna & Grandad Nash
Hi my darling, sounds like you are having a ball, I am enjoying following your adventures, love you loads Nanna & Grandad & loulou xxxxx
Nana & Grandad Smith
Hi leigh like the photos glad to hear you are enyoying yourself make the most of it and enjoy yourself miss & love you nana & grandad xxxx
Kayls O'shea
Hey ho chick,
it's been great hearing from you the photos look great
missing you like crazy lady
keep havin fun n in touch
love you lots like jelly tots
Nana & Grandad Smith
Hi Leigh nana & I like the photos both getting brave with the tigers hope you both enjoyed the trek with the rest of the group and meeting new friends enjoy yourselfs love and miss you nana & grandad xxxx
Sounds like your having a great time. Hope it goes ok meeting your new friends, and dont be too shy.
love you lots xxxxx
Kayleigh O'shea (Byways)
Hay Babes,
It sound so amazing already and you've only been gone since sunday! Lovin this blog and i shall keep regular updates on my miss leigh ba.
Missing you like mad but let the good times roll on for you bird
Love ya lots like jel;ly tots
hiya chick! it sounds great! me jean and andy are checking your blog out! miss you lots like jelly tots! xxxxxxxx
Christine F
Hi Leigh
Hope you both are having a great time.
Luv you loads xx
A Christine & U Chris
Hey hey, i see your getting closer to me, we're almost in the same time zone now. looks like you're both having lots of fun and some great photos! Tc, spk soon! x