i think i'm a bit behind writin on this but i've been far too busy havin far too much fun recently! haha
christmas was fantastic! we arrived in echuca and pete picked us up and we drove on to bunaloo! bowdie is sooooo big, she was just a little pup when we last saw her 6 months ago. and butch had been bitten by a snake and died, porr thing. so anyway, we went to the 'postmans ball' which turned out to be a bbq in a shed on a farm! was good fun though. xmas eve, pete and i did the shoppin for lunch and bought gin (essential ingredient!). we cooked xmas dinner in the factory kitchen which was great and, it was sooo hot on xmas day that we sat outside to eat it. then we drank a lot of alcohol between us and didn't make it to bed until very late indeed!
next on the map was melbourne! we went on saturday and had a night out, after swearin i'd never got into pj o'briens again i went back but it wasn't too bad. then on sunday we went and sat by the yarra river in the sunshine and ate what can only be described as a platter of fine cheese and cures meats! was beautiful!
then sarah was arrivin! was a bit of a disaster really, we made her a big banner and got out of bed early to go get her to find out her plane was delayed! then 3 planes landed from la and we saw paris hilton get off and wlak through the airport! i swear to god she looked at me! ha. then more people came thorugh the doors and no sign of sarah for what felt like hours! turned out they had lost her bag!! eeeeek! so had to sort all that out and get them to send it on to sydney!
new years eve eve we spent at the opera house (which needs a good clean!) and the harbour bridge! whoooop! and then we went on a mission to get tarpaulin to keep pur spot for new years eve. we were at cremourne point with a great view of opera house and bridge. andy, joe, doug and brad stayed the night before to make sure no one stole it! new years eve was a a gorgeous day! and spent most if it prancin around in a bikini! the fireworks were awesome! well worth all the effort!
since then we haven't done a lot although managed to spend a small fortune!! went to bondi beach yeaterday and managed to get a little bit sunburnt! eeeeeeeek
off to cairns off thursday for another adventure and a skydivr. arrrrggggggghhhhhhh
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