with the mozzie bites slowly calming down and the fatigue fastly sinking in I sadly write my last blog entry on the subject of thailand. the tuktuk's, street food, 'friendly' shop keepers, cheap beer, hot weather and "high fashion/gem shop" are some of the things that will always come to mind when i think of the trip.
to say it was a hard trip would be an understatement - you all think youve had it hard being at work these last four weeks! well let me tell you now, traveling on an overnight bus for ten hours to reach beautiful islands was not easy! and thats not even mentioning having to then lay on the beaches drinking beer and watching the beack life!
despite the hardship, its safe to say that both laura and I had an awesome time. I just thought I would thank you all for following us on our short adventure to the east, hopefuly we've inspired a few of you to visit one day - or even conjured some memories of you old farts who have been before (mother, father, geoff...the list goes on but i could loose my job if i mention anyone else in this category :D ).
enjoy life and make sure you get out there and see some of the world, it definatly makes you appreciate home that little bit more.
adios amigos
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