On Wednesday morning we stopped at puzzling world, an illusion house and extremely frustrating giant maze. After 5 minutes I lost my patience and headed for the mergency exit. We headed straight to Queenstown and arrived at Kawarau bridge, the site of the first ever commercial bungy jump. Some people had signed up to jump but having always said I would never do a bungy i was happy standing watching them all. As I was stood there watching people fling themselves off a bridge head first into the river with an elastic cord tied to their feet I had a strange urge to do it, knowing that if I didn't i'd leave New Zealand regretting it. Luckily another girl, Caroline, had the same dilemma so we convinced each other to join the queue deciding if we couldn't do it there and then we wouldn't do it at all. At the front of the desk we were told we'd have to come back tomorrow at 12 so thinking this was fates way of telling me not to do it I changed my mind. But only very briefly before signing up!
Feeling pretty terrified about what we'd just done we indulged in an infamous Fergburger in Queenstown to make us feel better. It did the trick, these burgers are yum! That afternoon me and my new bungy buddy decided to walk up to the skyline gondola lookout rather than actually get the gondola up. We were rewarded though with superb views over Queenstown, the Remarkables mountain ranges and lake Wakatipu. That night we had a party in the hostel bar as most of our bus would be parting ways here. The night out took our minds off our activity for the next day but Thursday morning I woke up thinking i'd made a massive mistake!
Despite my doubts, by 1215 I was on a bridge 43m above the river waiting to throw myself off. Was nerveracking having to watch people before me but amusing too as one guy decided to do it naked and another was told by the bungy team that his rope wasn't tied just as he jumped off backwards! Next it was my turn and I shuffled forward to be attached to my piece of elastic. Was a bit worried that all thats used is a towel wrapped round your ankles with a metal clip attached to it and the bungy cord at the other end but it was too late to back out now. I chose the dry option meaning I wouldnt be dunked headfirst into the river as I wasn't sure i'd remember to breathe! Ready to go I stepped up to the edge, waved to the camera, listened for the 54321 and threw myself off. Was THE scariest moment of my life as I had no feeling I was ever gonna stop until I felt the pull of the rope 5 seconds later. I bounced and span around a few times and then hung upside down waiting for the boat to come and collect me. After being lowered in I asked if shaking all over was normal. I was told it would pass so I went up to meet the others on very unstable, wobbly legs and feeling slightly sick. Was an amazing experience, not one I'm sure i'd repeat but definitely no regrets. Also gald I opted for the original, but smaller bungy rather than the 134m Nevis high wire jump! Spent the afternoon exploring Queenstown and calming down by the lake and a relaxing evening watching DVD's in our posh room.
On Friday we took the 4 hour bus ride to Milford Sound, one of the fjords that go out to the Tasman sea. The bus ride involved driving through the fjordland national park, the largest national park in New Zealand and probably the last one I needed to complete the set! We saw waterfalls running down the mountains, which result from the lakes at the top overflowing so with lots of rain that day on the way home their were hundreds of cascading waterfalls. We had a cloudy day but it made the 2 hour cruise on the fjord very eerie with the mountains towering over us. We went right out to where the fjord meets the sea, where the waves got bigger and made the ride much more fun! A long bus ride back and then staright out in Queenstown to say goodbye to friends i'd be leaving behind when I board my bus to Christchurch tomorrow.
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