cant believe you have done the sky dive you are both having the time of your lives its brill love you loads xxi
Arrrrggghhh... It looks wicked... I want to come!!!! :-)
Look's like you are having an amazing time, keep the blogs coming.
yo shoota and laura.. you lucky b*****s! just had a look at your photos. awesome!! missing our chats in the day shoot.. get a shave! and you stu.. enjoy
Mom And Dadm M
glad you are still having a good time the glacier looked brill wish were with you love you loads mom dad xx
Lou And Phil
Hi both
Just been looking at your pics, it looks fab there. Keep us updated and enjoy your adventure
love lou and phil x
Hi Laura and Stu....Just been looking at your photos and they're bringing back so many great memories of my trip a few years ago. Been looking at the photos talking to the screen saying I've been there...I wish I was there now! Have you started saying "Awesome"'s compulsory in NZ! Enjoy you lucky people. Ali x
Mom And Dadm M
glad you are still having a great time photos are brill miss you both loads love you xx
Katie Wilkes
WOW!!!!! Your photos are amazing!! Looks like you are having a great time and sounds like you've already seen so much, soak it all in. What an experience - i'm sooooo jealous!! The van looks like it will give you so much freedom, make the most of it. Take care of yourselves xxx
hiya..... from the pics it looks amazing.. you both look so happy and relaxed, me and dan built a snowman today! but would rather make sand castles... take care look forward to your next update xxx
Big T
Hi Loz n Stu
Looks a though your having a great time, luv the van, try and rotate the next lot of pic's so Wizz dosn't have to strain the old neck, you how she moans. Lots of love
Big T & Wizz
Alreet Laura n Bert,
Nice photos so far, I knew you would like cathederal cove....and it's not to far of a trek to get to either....
The Van looks wicked, I was expecting an old VW for some reason...I rekon thats got to be the best way to see any Country....
Laura, tell stu to make sure next time he is a supermarket to get a few bottles of SUMMER beer,... you can only get them over there and very nice indeed.
You have missed nothing here so far other than a shed load of snow, Ive been working from home on tuesday and thursday, and they have forcast more for the weekend, i even built Lucy a snow man this morning...
If you see vicky and steve on the weekend ask them to take you to the Chippy in Days bay....amazing...well better than over here....and the pies are also very nice.
Reet then.... More pics asap please.
Fruit cake out !
Trevor Edwards
So glad you are out of the DOG WHOLE, not sure i could put up with roughing it. So glad you are now off on your travels in your batmobile, cant wait to see some photos of it, and stus beard.Yes you are missing the Great British weather, I bet! I am snowed in today in sunny Haeth Hayes Cannnock.Well enjoy your next few days.Glad to see Carol is up and running on here with her laptop, she is so pleased shes got contact with you both.Best wishes to you both, enjoy yourselves you are only young once.