Currently in Queenstown, New Zealand and have just done NEVIS baby!!! Scariest moment of my life, almost backed out. For those of you who don't know Nevis is 134m Bungy Jump, second or third highest in the world I think. OMG OMG sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scary, the boys were all doing it though and there was no way I was going to miss out, it was the biggest rush in the world. One small problem in my state of panic and confusion I ended up jumping feet first which is a big no no, luckily the safety guy fixed my jump and it was just very amusing for everyone in the cable. Blake, Shaun and Jarrett also jumped, Shaun has a fear f heights so did very well, I'm proud of you Dolly!!! After the jump we were all on a massive high and booked onto the Nevis Arc which is a swing like bungy that you can do in pairs, again bloody amazing!!! Still on the biggest adrenaline rush and will be having a huge night tonight to celebrate!
So before we all decided to jump from cable cars we were skiing and snowboarding. We have a wicked little apartment just outside of town, its two stories, has amazing views and electric blankets!!! We landed on Saturday, flew with Pacific Blue it was their first flight to Queenstown so we all got a free t-shirt, champagne, and champers strayed all over the plane. Blake also hit it off with one of the flight attendants….Edward took quite a shinning to him! We each got 2litres of alcohol at duty free in attempt to save money while we here, unfortunately this just resulted in a heavy drink prior to going out heavier drinking when we got out which equaled an extremely messy night!!! Met up with Miss Hayley P as well which was tres exciting, we were both very drunk so looking forward to a more sober conversation with her tonight! Oh also we hired to stretch hummer to take us to the airport it was hectic!
With very sore heads we all got up and took to the slopes for our first day of skiing and snow boarding. Kat and I booked three days of lessons which have been very amusing. We have managed to fall over and or bash into one another every time we get off the chairlift…we will master it by the end of holiday! Towards the end of the second day Blake decided Kat and I were good enough for the quad chairlift…the big slope. We got to the top and Shaun set Kat back down on the lift but Blake reassured me the way I was "carving up" on the other slopes I would be fine….I wasn't!!! I am not exaggerating when I say it took me an 1 ½ to get down, when I was on my butt or eating snow I was snow ploughing down in the biggest wedge you have ever seen…the slope was a million times steeper and faster than the ones I had been on and I was way out of my depth, I was petrified. I literally cried the whole way down but despite screaming at Blake to leave me on my own numerous times, have complete princess tantrums he stayed with me and we eventual got to the bottom. I woke up yesterday covered in the brightest purple bruises I have ever seen and aching everywhere!
After that I have kind of lost my confidence but I am going to try and have another lesson tomorrow to and will ski Friday as well. The boys and Kat are here until Saturday then they head back to Sydney and I am going to stay in NZ for another few weeks and travel around on the Kiwi Experience.
Speak soon love you all, congrats to Donna and Nick on our new baby cousins I cant wait to get home and be with you all, love you lots xXx
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