We set off this morning and headed for Franz Josef Glacier on the West Coast of the South Island. Not far from Picton we saw signs for wineries so I googled a few and found one 5 minutes from where we were called Seresin Estate and the guy that owns it was a cinematographer on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, so obviously we had to go there!! The winery was huge, at first we couldn't find the 'cellar door' as they call it, where you go for the wine tasting! When we found it, a young girl came and did the wine tasting for us, we got to taste five wines, four white and one red. The first one that we tried was a Riesling and it was so good, after the first one which we both liked, none of the others tasted that good!! The south island of New Zealand predominantly makes white wine but they can make a small amount of red, Seresin just produced one red wine. The wine tasting cost $5 each but if you bought something you didn't have to pay the $5. We decided to get a bottle of the Riesling, which for $26, we didn't think was bad. The winery also had loads of olive trees, the girl said they have about 5000 of them and they produce a range of olive oils, we also got to try the oils with some bread and they were really good!! Adam asked how much oil you get out of each olive and she told us that the extraction level is about 13%, for every 100kg of olives they get 13litres of oil!! When we were leaving, Adam said he wished we had got two bottles of the wine so he quickly ran back and got another bottle. We set back off towards Franz Josef Glacier, Adam said that the drive down there is absolutely gorgeous so we have to do it all during daylight. It started getting dark when we were somewhere near Greymouth so we decided to pull in and stay there and continue in the morning. We pulled up in a carpark/lay by type area and made some food. It was completely pitch black outside, you couldn't even see straight in front of your face. The stars looked amazing though!! After we'd eaten, Adam decided we would probably be best to not stay where we were so we headed off to find somewhere else. We came across a camp site which was just on the beach front near some signs for Penguins and blow holes so we were hoping that in the morning we would be able to see some. We parked up, made the bed and and just went to sleep.
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