Well neither of us managed to get any sleep in the airport. It was absolutely freezing and uncomfortable. I tried to put some photos on the iPad but there wasn't enough room so I deleted some films and then partway through uploading the photos the wire became disconnected and the uploads broke off and then there wasn't enough room again! I was very annoyed! We Skype'd home in the airport and about 5am a cafe opened so we got a drink and a sandwich then slowly the shops started opening so we had a look around the shops to pass the time. Eventually we went back down to our gate and laid on the sofa's and I read my book until we boarded. The flight was only 3 or so hours long and again we both tried to get some sleep but hardly got any. When we got to Auckland we were straight through passport control but we had to declare our shoes to immigration as we had been in the jungle in the last 30 days. There was no problems though and we were fine to go through. We rang the campervan place when we got out and they said they would send someone to pick us up and take us to the depot to pick up the camper. At the depot we had to watch a film about campers and then go through loads of paperwork with the woman. We both said we would drive but it turned out that the camper was an automatic and being as the only automatic I have ever driven was Stevie's old Fiesta and I drove that about 15 miles an hour cos I didn't know what I was doing I decided I probably wouldn't drive it!! We eventually got away and went to the supermarket to get some food for the van. We didn't buy toilet roll, there was a public toilet outside the supermarket so I just took loads of toilet roll from there. Everything at the supermarket seems really expensive, one bell pepper is $4!!! We set off to look for somewhere suitable to sleep for the night and ended up driving to a place called Hamilton. When we were looking for somewhere to park we saw a fish and chip shop and we both said we could eat a fish butty and as we were so tired we decided to just get one instead of cooking. The lady in the chippy was really nice, she had never heard of a fish butty so Adam had to explain to her it was just a fish sandwich, she happily made us some and a huge portion of chips too. Because it was something that she didn't normally serve she said she didn't know what to charge us so she said just to give her $5 for the lot!!! A fish alone was more than $3 so we got such a bargain, about £3 for 2 fish butties and a portion of chips! We soon found somewhere to park up and we ate our food then made the bed and got some sleep.
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