When we eventually arrived at Waya Lai Lai, our last stop on the islands, it was about 2.30 in the afternoon. This island was quite a bit bigger than the other two we had been to but just as stunning. It wasn;t as flat either and had huge rocky mountians in the centre as well as lovely beaches lined with hammocks. We stayed in a dorm bure again but it was a bit smaller than the last one. It was time for afternoon tea when we got there and then we just relaxed in the hammocks and read for the next few hours. It was starting to cool down so there wasn't much point sunbathing. This island was a bit of a mixture of the last two as the accomodation was nicer than Mana but not as nice as Beachcomber, and it was run by the community but wasn't quite as involved as Mana was. It was a happy medium, and I was glad I liked it as we had booked to stay there for four night all together. Dinner was announced by someone beating the drums, and it was nice but nothing too specila. The eating area was on a big deck overlooking the sea which was good though and we could watch the moon come up. We still had cold showers though, and even had extra guests of mice in our room!
The next day we had plenty of time to relax on the beach and in the hammocks. It was great weather again and as breakfast was early there too we had an early start. The beach was really pretty but completely different to the other two islands. In the afternoon after lunch we went to meet some of the ladies in the village to learn how to do some Fijian weaving. I made a braclet and a bookmark and it was really nice to sit in the shade doing it and talking to the ladies. It was much easier than it looked too and even Justin enjoyed himself. They had some stalls set up too so we spent a bit of time looking around those and then went for a walk around the other end of the island that we hadn't seen yet. They had lots of dogs there too to keep us company, especially one-eyed Willy who Justin made friends with.
That night was Fijian night and we had a Kava ceremony which was something I had wanted to do since we arrived. Kava is a traditional drink they have in Fiji which is kind of their equivalent of alcohol but not as strong. It is used in a Kava ceremony to welcome guests and at other special occassions. We had to choose a chief and spokesperson and they had to sit in front of their chief with us lined up behind. Girls had to hold their hands in front of them while walking and sit with their legs on the side. They said some special words then gave a bowl of Kava to our chiefs, and then to some more Fijian men who were visiting from another island that night. After that we all got to try some. We had to clap, say Bula, drink it and then clap three more times. It is made from some sort of plant and just tasted of muddy, milky water. It did make your mouth feel a bit numb though. After that it was dinner time, and as it was Fijian night we had to eat it all with our fingers which is the traditional Fiji way. It was surprising how hard that actually was! They finished off the night with some traditional dances and songs which were really good to watch. It was good too as they didn't seem to take themselves too seriously, so it was quite funny too. Overall it was a good night.
We just spent the next two days relaxing on the beach during the day. Neither of us felt like doing much and the beach was so nice it was too tempting just to stay there all day. We were treating these last couple of weeks as a nice holiday before we got home so didn't want to be too busy. Also we had both had funny stomachs for the last couple of days, especially Justin, whos seemed to be getting worse. I think it was something we ate quite early on that didn't agree with us and then because we weren't used to the food we couldn't get better. On one of the days I did decide to stretch my legs a bit and went on the sunset walk after afternoon tea while Justin stayed in bed. Luckily I wasn't the only person doing it and we had a guide to show the way. He took us from the resort to the top of the high rocky hills on the centre of the island. It took us about an hour to get there, and it wasn't too hard; just a bit tricky as we had to walk through woods and over loads of rocks. It was worth it though as the view from the top was amazing. We could see for miles and all over the island. It was much higher than I had expected and we sat right on the edge of the cliff. The only scary moment was when we had to walk to the top along the edge of a steep rock and the wind nearly blew us off. We stayed there until we could see the sun start to set and then made our way back down. By the time we reached the bottom it was time for dinner, which wasn't great as I had to wait to have a shower and by the time I had a chance to the water had been cut off! Not very nice! That evening they put on some more dance including another fire dance and some where we could all take part. They made us do the 'Bula' dance again the next night too, which Justin enjoyed much more than he let on!
We stayed for four nights in total, and soon enough it was time to go back to the main land. The boat didn't come to pick us up until about 3.30 and it was a bit on the drag, but we weren't complaining as it wasn't four hours late this time. Once we were on the big boat it took a couple of hours to get to port and then we had to catch the shuttle bus into Nadi and back to the same hostel we stayed in the first couple of nights. It was strange to be back there as it was almost time to go home. We had a burger and chips to celebrate the fact we didn't have to eat rice again for dinner, and a drink at the bar. The only down side was that the room wasn't as nice as before and we had to swap as they put us in a twin instead of a double. I think they just probably made a mistake the first time. Also, I had been looking forward to a hot shower for days, but all the hot water was gone. I was not happy about that! The next day was our last in Fiji, and typicaly, it rained all day. We couldn't really do much except hang around the bar but at least we had good weather all he other days. We got taken to the airport in the evening and then we were off to Hawaii. I can't believe we only have one more week left, and one more country to visit before we get home!
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